Area: digital heritage

Rode Altarpiece project, co-funded by E-Space project, wins Europa Nostra award!

On the 5th of April, the European Commission and Europa Nostra revealed the winners of the 2017 European Union Prize for Cultural Heritage / Europa Nostra Awards, Europe’s top honour in the heritage field. The 29 laureates from 18 countries … Continue reading

File formats for preservation

Riksarkivet (the Swedish National Archive) has been invited to the IS&T conference Archiving 2017 to hold a course about file formats for preservation on the 15th of May. The course will take the form of a workshop with the purpose to concretise the work done in Riksarkivet’s research and development program ArkivE 2.0 by using the tools developed in the PREFORMA project. Continue reading

Workshop on Computer Vision in Digital Humanities @DH2017- Call for Abstracts

*Call for Abstracts* / Computer Vision in Digital Humanities 3rd Workshop on AVinDH, to be held at the Digital Humanities Conference DH2017, Montreal, Canada Date: 7 August 2017 Deadline for Abstracts: 31 May 2017 url:    *Workshop Overview* This full-day … Continue reading

Workshop on the Integration of Heritage Digital Resources

CNRS MAP, together with FORTH-ICS is organising a Workshop on the Integration of Heritage Digital Resources. The aim of the workshop is to introduce the participants to the concept of linked data and to a selection of data curation tools that can be used for … Continue reading

Restoration, Archaeology and Museum Technologies are meeting at ‘’Heritage Istanbul’’

The only exhibition that gathers together Restoration, Archaeology, and Museum Technologies under one roof, ‘’HERITAGE ISTANBUL’’ will take place on 27-29 April 2017 at Hilton Istanbul Convention & Exhibition Center. ‘’HERITAGE ISTANBUL’’ organized by TG Expo to open new paths … Continue reading

Workshop on “Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage”

In Madeira it is organised a Workshop on “Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage”, next 28th of June 2017. This Workshop aims to bring together experts, stakeholders, policy makers and leaders from the domain, addressing current challenges in the field and … Continue reading

e-AGE 2017 “Education, Science and Innovation”

The e-AGE conference had established itself as an important venue for networking among experts and scientists. In 2017, e-AGE will be held under the patronage of His Excellency Ahmed Aboul-Gheit, the secretary general of the League of Arab States in Cairo, … Continue reading

e-AGE 2017 / Call for Papers, Presentations, Posters and Participation

Under The Patronage of His Excellency Ahmed Aboul-Gheit Secretary General of the League of Arab States e-AGE 2017 Call for Papers, Presentations, Posters and Participation 7th International Platform on Integrating Arab e-Infrastructure in a Global Environment League of Arab States, Cairo, Egypt, 3-4 December, … Continue reading

Join the Group of Experts for the creation of the EU H2020 Manifesto on Digital Heritage and Virtual Museums

Virtual Multimodal Museum (ViMM – is a high-visibility and participative Coordination and Support Action (CSA), funded under the EU Horizon 2020 programme (CULT-COOP-8-2016). ViMM brings together Europe and the world’s leading public and private sector organisations working on Virtual … Continue reading

OPEN CALL Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology

This Call invites artists who particularly work with photography to respond to the theme of the International Association of Photography and Theory’s first collaborative project entitled Ar(t)chaeology: Intersections of photography and archaeology. The project will run from May to December … Continue reading