Area: digital heritage

Photoconsortium Annual Event, hosted by CRDI. Public seminar and general assembly.

img. Ajuntament de Girona, Vista exterior de l’absis de la Catedral de Girona, Public Domain. Hosted by Photoconsortium member CRDI, the 2017 Annual Event of Photoconsortium is organized in the beautiful city of Girona (Spain), seat of an important audiovisual … Continue reading

PREFORMA hands-on sessions in Europe

During May 2017, successful hands-on sessions and workshops have been organised by PREFORMA in several places to explain to the participants what does conformance checking mean, why is file format validation so important in long-term digital preservation, how to create their own policy profiles and how to download, install, configure and use the conformance checker to analyse their files. Continue reading

Preservation courses at the IS&T conference Archiving 2017

Report of the course about formats for preservation organised by PREFORMA in Riga in the framework of the IS&T (Society for Imaging Science and Technology) conference Archiving 2017. The participants were introduced to an abstract and a generic overview of the meaning of “format” and digital preservation. Within that framework the value and importance of a Conformance Checker and what makes a format appropriate in a specific user case was explored. Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #10 – June 2017

We are pleased to announce the progress we’ve made this year. There are new updates to MediaConch that expand its capabilities, user stories to share, and new events related to implementation checking and the standardization of open audiovisual formats. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you’d like to join our community, be involved in our usability testing and integrate the software in your workflow! Continue reading

DPF Manager v3.3 released and available to download

We present a new update of the DPF Manager. This new version can be downloaded as usual from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. This new version includes several improvements and fixes. One of the most interesting new features is the Statistics Module. This new section reports the most usual tags found in the analyzed files, as well as their values. Also from the ISOs validated, it is shown the errors that have been found ordered by frequency. Continue reading

EVA London 2017: conference, exhibitions, a research workshop and numerous of demonstration sessions

Held annually in July, EVA London is one of the international Electronic Visualisation & the Arts conferences. The first EVA conference was held in 1990, with the intention to create a space for people using or interested in the new technologies to share … Continue reading

Pratt Institute School of Information in NY – Master of Science Museums and Digital Culture

The Master of Science in Museums and Digital Culture (MDC) of the Pratt Institute in NY (School of Information) is an innovative program that breaks new ground as the first museum master’s degree designed for the digital world, advancing the concept … Continue reading

Fashion Digital Memories, symposium

The expression ‘Fashion heritage’ refers to a heterogeneous group of objects, different in nature and meaning. Lately, a general interest towards museum collections and archival materials related especially to fashion has been rising, demanding for access to this incredibly rich field of … Continue reading

Pop-Up Museum supports a new exhibition at the Estonian National Library

On 2 May 2017 the National Library of Estonia launched a MuPoP exhibition in the Library’s foyer. The exhibition introduces one book illustration stored in the National Library together with famous film tunes, creating a nostalgic but also educating effect. … Continue reading

“Man Meets World”, Pop-Up Museum exhibition in Pisa, 20th May 2017

One of the virtual interactive exhibitions about Belle Epoque, which are curated by KU Leuven and powered with the MuPop (the Pop-Up Museum tool developed in 2016 within E-Space project) was on show in Pisa on 20th May. On the … Continue reading