Area: digital heritage

DPFManager version 3.1 available to download

DPF Manager has been updated to version Version 3.1. This new version includes new features, improvements and bugfixes. One important change on this release is that we have created two new independent projects for the implementation checker and the policy checker with the aim of improving the project modularity. Donwload the tool on the Open Source Portal ant try it! Don’t forget to send us your feedback to help improving the software! Continue reading

Uncovering Ethnomusicology on Europeana Music Collections

blog by Europeana Sounds appeared on Europeana on 19 December 2016.  The Music Collections of this month is focused on anthropology and its links with sounds and music studies, in France and in the world. Ethnomusicologists seek to understand what is music and … Continue reading

Memory Institutions in Control: Help Shape Future Standards!

The PREFORMA project works on one of the main challenges memory institutions are facing nowadays: the long-term preservation of digital data. This issue is also important for LIBER’s community. They’re therefore collaborating with PREFORMA to encourage memory institutions to answer a PREFORMA survey on this topic. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and will help to shape future memory standards. Continue reading

veraPDF 0.28 released

The latest version of veraPDF, the industry-supported open source, file-format validator for all parts and conformance levels of PDF/A, is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. This is the final version before version 1.0, which is expected to be released on January 9th 2017 making it an effective release candidate. New features include the schematron based policy checker and a fully functional greenfield implementation. Please help us improve the software by downloading and testing it. Continue reading

CO:OPyright: Challenges and Practices of Copyright and Licensing of Digital Cultural Heritage

Challenges and Practices of Copyright and Licensing of Digital Cultural Heritage are the main topics of this event organised by the Co:OP project, funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union aims to strengthen and promote the co-operation between institutions preserving our common cultural heritage and the general public. Continue reading

Seminar “1968 in the Media”

The Media Studies Commission of the International Federation of Television Archives announces its forthcoming international seminar to take place in Paris, on March 20th, 2017. The one-day seminar is dedicated to the media coverage of different political and social events that … Continue reading

Another exhibition popped-up!

Cultuur in Beeld (Culture in Focus) is an annual seminar organized by the Dutch Ministry of Instruction, Science and Culture, addressing the most relevant themes for the cultural sector. The 2016 edition in Rotterdam, on 7 December, was focused on … Continue reading

Europeana Space tests educational demonstrator during seminar “The Ghent Altarpiece in 100 Billion Pixels”

by Frederik Temmermans, imec On the 29th of November 2016, Europeana Space organised a seminar entitled “The Ghent Altarpiece in 100 Billion Pixels” at the imec offices in Brussels. During the seminar, the Europeana Space educational demonstrator “Photographic investigation of … Continue reading

ICT Research and Innovation for Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage: Horizon 2020 Information and Networking Day

This event, organised by the European Commission on 17 November, addressed potential applicants for the first Calls under Horizon 2020 in the fields of ICT research & innovation supporting the Cultural and Creative Industries and Cultural Heritage. The plenary session … Continue reading

MuseumNext Europe Call for Speakers – Rotterdam, The Netherlands 26-28 June 2017

MuseumNext is a global conference series on the future of museums, taking place in the world’s cultural capitals since 2009. The conference is a catalyst for innovation, transformation and collaboration in museums, galleries and heritage sites, with more than 900 … Continue reading