Area: digital heritage


Here is the report of the workshop that the PREFORMA team organised at iPRES 2016 to dive into the larger narrative of the project, show the three different tools in development, detail the main standardisation strands and get a conversation started between potential users of the tools with the people who are hard at work making them happen. Continue reading

E-Space goes to Derry at “Upcycle Digital Heritage” workshop

Upcycle Digital Heritage was jointly organized by The Discovery Programme, CARARE and FABLAB Derry, and the workshop explored some of the challenges and opportunities which are present in reusing digital heritage data, with 4 sections (creative industries, communities, tourism and museums, education) … Continue reading

veraPDF 0.24 released

The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Version 0.24 includes a prototype of batch validation in both the CLI and GUI and other new enhancements (conformance checker, application enhancements and code quality). veraPDF team will demonstrate the software at the PREFORMA Experience workshop in Berlin on 23 November 2016, don’t miss this opportunity to meet them! Continue reading

E-Space presents… STORYPIX

The universe is made of stories, not of atoms. Muriel Rukeyser, an American poet and political activist, said it right. Our lives are build up from this strange material, that seems to hold everything together. It is through stories that we learn, … Continue reading

Call for Papers open until 21 November for the GUIDE conference on distance learning

This conference will be jointly organized by Guide Association and University of Phoenix (Central Florida) and aims to promote discussions about the current status and next evolutions of distance learning. Particular attention will be given to the new pedagogical approaches to … Continue reading

E-Space presents… NORA

We are four art-flirty young women, each one different from the other. We are your companions on an infinite journey through the jungle of Culture. We are Italians, surrounded by Arts, Culture and Beauty and for sure this helped in … Continue reading

Presentations and videos of the webinars available online

The presentation and video recordings of the webinars organised by the PREFORMA project throughout September are now available online. The webinars introduced the PREFORMA project, updated participants on the current status of the conformance checkers, demonstrated the software, outlined future plans, and gave examples of how the community can contribute, or provide feedback. Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #8 – Oct. 2016

What’s new in MediaConch 16.09, the latest release of the conformance checker for audiovisual files now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, the next appointments where you can meet team (among which IPRES 2016 and the PREFORMA Experience Workshop in Berlin) and much more on this October release of the MediaConch newsletter. Continue reading

DPF Manager – NEW Release 2.6

DPF Manager version 2.6 is now available to download in the Open Source Portal. The new release contains new features which have been proposed by users in the issue tracker, so don’t hesitate to contact us for any improvement or suggestion. We will consider them all and probably incorporate them in next releases. You can also meet us in person at IPRES 2016 and at the PREFORMA Experience Workshop in Berlin. Continue reading

E-Space presents…

Books are utterly intriguing characters. They tell stories, share knowledge, make arguments, and they fondle, poke and jab our feelings. We love reading them because they let us become part of their stories and, in their turn, they become part … Continue reading