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- 3-5 March (13:00 -12:00 CET), online and Former Austrian Länderbank and Museum of Applied Art in Vienna
The Digital European Programme-funded project EUreka3D has ended at the close of 2024. The two-year project marks a significant milestone in the field of 3D cultural heritage preservation and digitisation. It developed innovative technology and practices to push forward the … Continue reading →
- Online, November 25th – 29th, 2024
The ‘Heritage Horizons Project Week: Shaping the common European data space for cultural heritage’ will take place from 25 – 29 November 2024. This event – organised by the Europeana Initiative – will put the spotlight on the diverse … Continue reading →
- Girona and online, December 13, 2024
Registrations are now open for the EUreka3D Final Conference, which will take place in Girona on 13 December 2024. The event will consist of a hybrid public conference by project partners and invited contributors, and a public onsite workshop mainly … Continue reading →
Area: digital heritage

The annual conference organized by EADTU, the OOFHEC2016 – Online Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference – took place on 19-21 October in Rome. Over the past years, universities have intensified a deeper transformation of teaching and learning in higher education, based … Continue reading

During late July 2016, Dave Rice and Ashley Blewer delivered two workshops at Tate Britain in London on the use of Mediainfo, MediaConch and FFmpeg in the preservation of digital video. Have a look at the blog post published by Ana Ribeiro on PERICLES Blog which reports on the result of these workshops. Continue reading

The European Mediterranean Conferences (EuroMed) is a biannual event organized by Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and has become a regular worldwide milestone on Cultural Heritage interdisciplinary research. EuroMed Conference is focused on conservation, massive … Continue reading

On 27 October 2016 we will celebrate the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (WDAVH), sponsored by UNESCO and organized by the CCAAA (Co-ordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations), of which ICA (International Council on Archives) is a member. The World Day … Continue reading

Hosted at Sound and Vision (NISV) location in Hilversum, ACM TVX is the leading international conference for research into online video, TV interaction and user experience. It is a multi-disciplinary conference and we welcome submissions in a broad range of topics. … Continue reading

It starts with waves Brainwaves have been used in different and fascinating innovations in the past few years. While they hold big mysteries to themselves, they can be captured using an EEG (electroencephalogram) device. The magnitude of captured information is enormous. In … Continue reading

Filming the Arts is a research of the University of Florence that intends to develop knowledge of the role of the arts (cinema, music, theatre, dance, visual arts and folkore events) for enhancing and representing a certain territory. Filmed arts … Continue reading

Here is the report of the workshop that the PREFORMA team organised at iPRES 2016 to dive into the larger narrative of the project, show the three different tools in development, detail the main standardisation strands and get a conversation started between potential users of the tools with the people who are hard at work making them happen. Continue reading

Upcycle Digital Heritage was jointly organized by The Discovery Programme, CARARE and FABLAB Derry, and the workshop explored some of the challenges and opportunities which are present in reusing digital heritage data, with 4 sections (creative industries, communities, tourism and museums, education) … Continue reading

The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Version 0.24 includes a prototype of batch validation in both the CLI and GUI and other new enhancements (conformance checker, application enhancements and code quality). veraPDF team will demonstrate the software at the PREFORMA Experience workshop in Berlin on 23 November 2016, don’t miss this opportunity to meet them! Continue reading