Area: digital heritage

CulturalBase: the Major Stakeholder Conference

The Major Stakeholder Conference (MSC) “Co-creating Agendas for Culture in Europe. Memory, Inclusion, Creativity” was held in Barcelona (Spain) on 11-12 May, 2016 in the framework of the CulturalBase project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 program. The Major Stakeholder … Continue reading

RICHES Think Papers series now completed!

8 Think Papers on different themes following the areas of research of RICHES project are now available both on the project website and on the RICHES resources website. ​RICHES Think Paper 01. Copyright and Cultural Heritage: Developing a Vision for … Continue reading

Virtual Museums and Photographic Heritage, seminar in Pisa

On the occasion of Photoconsortium general assembly, a public seminar is organized on the theme of: “Virtual Museums and Photographic Heritage“. Virtual museums are not the simple transposition of a real museum on the Internet. They are not only archives … Continue reading

#BigArtRide from April to June 2016

The #BigArtRide tour is a part of the Europeana280 campaign to launch Europeana Art History Collections – and will celebrate the Dutch Presidency of the EU.
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Open Source Workshop: presentations now online!

Sweden’s majestic Royal Library Kungliga Biblioteket welcomed more than a hundred heritage professionals for the first public PREFORMA event, the Open Source Preservation Workshop – Serving the Cultural Heritage. All presentations are now available for download on the event website. Continue reading

Who’s Using What: PREFORMA Project

For this edition of Who’s Using What, Gregory Markus looks towards the digital preservation challenges that GLAMs face. He interviewed two developers from the PREFORMA Project: Xavi Tarres from Easy Innova (who is working on DPF Manager, the conformance checker for TIFF images) and Jérôme Martinez from MediaArea (who is working on MediaConch, the conformance checker for MKV/FFv1 audiovisual files). Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #4 – April 2016

MediaArea Team released version 16.03 of MediaConch, the open source conformance checker for audiovisual files. Among the latest updates, it now supports plugins including VeraPDF and DPFManager, the other two PREFORMA conformance checkers for electronic documents and still images. The Online MediaConch GUI enables accessibility across platforms. Continue reading


The ART // GAMES // HACKATHON  was an intensive weekend workshop, which will allow artists, coders and technologists to collaborate, team up and develop prototypes of game art projects.  This exciting event took place at Game City in Nottingham – home of the … Continue reading

RICHES: new policy briefs just published

The RICHES Policy Brief series is enlarged with two new releases: European Policy Brief. The Economic and Fiscal Dimension of Cultural Heritage. (April 2016). This policy brief focuses on the effects of two forms of government support: VAT regulation for … Continue reading

Future Technologies Conference 2016 – FTC 2016

About the Conference FTC attracts researchers, scientists and technologists from some of the top companies, universities, research firms and government agencies from around the world. Join us for FTC 2016, the world’s pre-eminent forum for reporting technological breakthroughs in the … Continue reading