Area: digital heritage

veraPDF 0.8 now available

Version 0.8 is the latest release of veraPDF conformance checker for PDF/A. It features a re-designed command line interface (CLI) for validation and feature extraction. All interested users are invited to download and test the software from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal and report possible problems, issues or suggestions to the project’s GitHub issue tracker. Your feedback is important, it will contribute to improving the software. Continue reading

Sharing local cultural heritage online with LoCloud services – LoCloud final conference

This conference organised by the LoCloud project provides an opportunity to share, discuss and demonstrate tools, services and content in the context of Europeana. With showcases from LoCloud content partners and interesting speeches, the conference will reflect on the results achieved … Continue reading

Cooperation between PREFORMA and BenchmarkDP

A new agreement has been signed between PREFORMA and BenchmarkDP to explore how the methodologies and approaches of BenchmarkDP could be useful in PREFORMA in establishing an objective frame of reference for the evaluation of the conformance checkers, and how the practical challenges in PREFORMA can inform the work in BenchmarkDP. The cooperation kicked-off during a workshop organised by BenchmarkDP in the framework of IPRES 2015. Continue reading

Best Practice for Education Workshop

This workshop is the first celebration of the work Europeana Space project is doing in the domain of Education. During this workshop, current best practices for environments/applications to facilitate re-use of digital cultural heritage content in an educational context were examined. ‘Education’ here … Continue reading

Full Time Early Stage Researcher (ESR) wanted in the field of of 2D/3D/4D Cultural assets.

Applications are invited from candidates who possess the necessary qualifications in order to fill one (1) full time Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher (ESR) Fellow Position in the Digital Heritage Research Lab of the Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) in … Continue reading

RICHES and Civic Epistemologies present the Berlin Charter

During the International Conference “Digital Heritage and Innovation, Engagement and Identity”, held in Berlin on 12-13 November 2015, the partners of CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES ( and RICHES ( projects proposed the adoption of the Berlin Charter, a set of principles for encouraging … Continue reading

RICHES latest outcomes shared

In the EC website of Research and Innovation, at the section of Social Science and Humanities, the latest  outcomes of Riches project were just published: The European Commission announces today new initiatives Towards a modern, more European copyright framework. … Continue reading

Creative reuse of cultural heritage and contemporary practices: challenges and opportunities in the digital world: E-Space II conference

Represented by the gracious cornflower, the national symbol of Estonia, the II Europeana Space International Conference took place in Tallinn on 10-11 December 2015. This event, organized by the Estonian Ministry of Culture, intended to generate new perspectives for the wider … Continue reading

Berlin Charter – the project’s legacy

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project celebrated its end in November 2015 with the Final Conference in Berlin. As main legacy, the project, in conjunction with the RICHES project, proposed the adoption of the Berlin Charter… Continue reading

CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES @ Panel session at DISH 2015 Conference

The CIVIC EPISTEMOLOGIES project is continuing to be disseminated worldwide also after the end of the funding period. DISH2015 conference is a perfect place for discussing the many challenges faced by cultural institutions, and the needs they have to make strategic … Continue reading