Area: digital heritage

File formats factors, notification and recommendation

Heather Ryan, Assistant Professor in the Library and Information Science Program in the University of Denver’s Morgridge College of Education, launched a survey designed to collect information on file format evaluation factors, and perceptions of trust and usefulness of a semi-automatic file format warning and recommendation system. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at Nordiske Arkivdage 2015

Magnus Geber from Riksarkivet visited the Nordic Archival Conference “Nordiske Arkivdage 2015”, where he delivered a presentation of PREFORMA during a small meeting with IT-archivist from the National Archives of the Nordic countries. Continue reading

Digital Humanities Summer School @ LINHD UNED

The course is being held in Madrid, at LINHD (Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales), from 13 to 17 July 2015, with the sponsorship of DiXiT – Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network. The various programme sessions aim to complete the participants’ training, in order for them to become familiar with text transformation via different languages (HTML, CSS, XSLT) and formats (ePub). The competences acquired will enable the students to know the whole digital editing process and to generate several kind editions (scientific, didactic). Continue reading

Badilisha Poetry: African poetry goes mobile digital

Badilisha Poetry X-Change is both an online audio archive and Pan-African poetry show delivered in radio format. Now the largest online collective of African poets on the planet, Badilisha has showcased and archived over 350 Pan-African poets from 24 different countries. It reflects the myriad of rhythms and rhymes, voices, perspectives and aspirations from all corners of the globe. Continue reading

Workshop about Innovation Policies for Cultural Heritage Institutions

The CIVIC ESPISTEMOLOGIES project’s has the task to design a Roadmap for broadening e-Infrastructure deployment to support citizen researchers in digital culture. A first draft version of the Roadmap has been presented at the Workshop on the Roadmap in Leuven (20 February … Continue reading

Joint EIUG/IIUG Conference, European and Irish Innovative Users Group

A joint conference of Irish Innovative Users Group and European Innovative Users Group will take place in Dublin at Trinity College, of interest to those using Innovative Interfaces Inc. (III) library systems and products such as Millennium, Sierra, Encore. There are approximately … Continue reading

TIFF/A Standard Initiative launched!

The TIFF/A standard initiative is a group of experts focusing on the definition of a specification of a Archival TIFF Format, TIFF/A. TIFF is widely used by memory institutions to preserve their digital images. However, the specification of TIFF is complex and some of its features are proprietary an therefore not suitable for long-term archival purposes. Continue reading

First Business Modeling Workshop of Europeana Space

The first BMW featured the three finalists that participated in the Europeana TV Hacking Culture Bootcamp in Amsterdam at The Waag Society on May 8, 9, 10. These three finalists were Bosch, ART(F)INDER, and Mnemosyne. Over the next week Remix and the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision will review the final business model canvases for each project and decide which will win the coveted Europeana Space Incubation Support Package provided by Remix and the project consortium. Continue reading

FFV1 and Matroska at IETF 2015 meeting

FFV1 and Matroska are on the agenda for the upcoming Internet Engineering Task Force Meeting on July 22nd in Prague. IETF PRAGUE 2015 is seen as a special Meeting which will cope with the topics of Engineering, Evolution Of Internet Technologie, Usage Of Protocols In The Internet, Operational Problems In The Internet and a lot more. Continue reading

Creating value from (open) cultural data

The Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision (‘Nederlands Instituut voor Beeld en Geluid’), in short NISV, is a cultural-historical organization of national interest, collecting, preserving and opening the audiovisual heritage for as many users as possible: media professionals, education, science … Continue reading