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- 3-5 March (13:00 -12:00 CET), online and Former Austrian Länderbank and Museum of Applied Art in Vienna
The Digital European Programme-funded project EUreka3D has ended at the close of 2024. The two-year project marks a significant milestone in the field of 3D cultural heritage preservation and digitisation. It developed innovative technology and practices to push forward the … Continue reading →
- Online, November 25th – 29th, 2024
The ‘Heritage Horizons Project Week: Shaping the common European data space for cultural heritage’ will take place from 25 – 29 November 2024. This event – organised by the Europeana Initiative – will put the spotlight on the diverse … Continue reading →
- Girona and online, December 13, 2024
Registrations are now open for the EUreka3D Final Conference, which will take place in Girona on 13 December 2024. The event will consist of a hybrid public conference by project partners and invited contributors, and a public onsite workshop mainly … Continue reading →
Area: digital heritage

There’s a big buzz currently going on about the issue of Freedom of Panorama, connected to the neverendig story of copyright in the changing digital world, and particularly connected to photography and to user-generated content. Freedom of Panorama is a … Continue reading

Innovation Space leader Gregory Markus will be talking in the main track of the conference, Europeana TV pilot will be presented by Kelly Mosterts in the parallel sessions, and several colleagues of Europeana Space are part of the conference advisory board! Continue reading

by Rosemary Cisneros, Coventry University. The ESpace Dance Pilot travelled to Athens, Greece early June 2015 to attend the Society of Dance History Scholars and Congress of Research in Dance conference. The title of the conference Cut & Paste: Dance Advocacy … Continue reading

“Excellent progress: the project has fully achieved its objectives and goals for the period and has even exceeded expectations”. So the European Commission concluded on 19 May, in Bruxelles, its review of the EAGLE project’s activities. The project’s conclusion looks really promising! Stay tuned! Continue reading

The XX Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies, organised by the Department of Urban Archaeology of Vienna’s Museum, is being held in the Vienna City Hall on 2-4 November 2015. The conference’s call for paper/poster/video expires on 15 June 2015 (deadline extended). This year, the event is dedicated to the theme “Urban Archaeology and Public Relations. New Technologies Enabling Archaeological Outreach” Continue reading

This workshop, run as part of the Digital Humanities at Oxford Summer School 2015 (20 -24 July 2015), will enable participants to experience crowdsourcing in microcosm all the way from project conception to launch to data analysis. It will be of particular interest to academics, librarians and museum professionals who see the potential for crowdsourcing to expedite data extraction from non-machine readable collections. The workshop will be run by Dr Victoria Van Hyning, Digital Humanities Project Lead at Zooniverse.org (University of Oxford), and Sarah de Haas, a technical specialist from Google with a background in humanities. Continue reading

Prof. Lorenzo Cantoni of Università della Svizzera Italiana is glad to announce the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on eTourism Communication Perspectives. The course, fully free and open, will be delivered in October-November 2015; it will last 8 weeks and will require approximately three hours study time per week. This Swiss-made MOOC will take you on a terrific journey into eTourism and online communication. You will feel the pulse of ICTs and enjoy the beauty of Switzerland as a globally renowned tourism destination. Time to travel. Join today. Continue reading

The STARTS (Science, Technology and the Arts) Symposium, being held in Brussels on 22-23 June 2015 at BOZAR, is aimed at exploring the catalytic role of the Arts for innovation in business, industry and society and how to foster it. As representative of the Civic Epistemologies consortium Frederik Truyen, Professor at the Faculty of Arts of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, is attending the event to present the project to the delegates. Continue reading

by Kelly Mostert, NISV During the 2015 ACM TVX conference, hosted by the iMinds Digital Society Department, that took place on the 3rd – 5th of June at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Brussels the EuropeanaTV pilot of Europeana Space … Continue reading