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- Call for papers, deadline15th September - event to take place at the FernUniversität in Hagen 23 – 24 November 2023
- PREFORMA POPULAR TAGS in Digitalmeetsculture
- audiovisual Berlin Brussels call for tender conformance check cultural heritage digital archive digital preservation DPF Manager FFv1 file format validation file formats IPRES MediaArea.net MediaConch open source Open Source Portal open source software PCP PDF/A policy checker PREFORMA standards TIFF VeraPDF
Topic: preforma

FFV1 and Matroska are on the agenda for the upcoming Internet Engineering Task Force Meeting on July 22nd in Prague. IETF PRAGUE 2015 is seen as a special Meeting which will cope with the topics of Engineering, Evolution Of Internet Technologie, Usage Of Protocols In The Internet, Operational Problems In The Internet and a lot more. Continue reading

The EIUG (European Innovative Users Group) 2015 conference will be a joint conference with the Irish Innovative Users Group (IIUG). The conference will be hosted by Trinity College Dublin and will take place on 6th and 7th July 2015. Continue reading

Part of the PREFORMA project, MediaConch (Media Conformance Checker) consists of a suite of tools and features to enable comprehensive control, testing, and modification of select archival audiovisual formats, specifically Matroska, lossless FFV1, and LPCM. Continue reading

PACKED and the University of Girona will present the PREFORMA, TI/A and DPF Manager initiatives at the Annual conference for memory institutions in Catalonia, an event which aims to help reducing this distance and promoting a great number of digital preservation initiatives in the field of archives and document management. Continue reading

The Workshop will be a great opportunity to meet MSP members, procurement managers, policymakers and ICT suppliers to discuss how to effectively reduce lock-in by using Open Standards. Best practice examples have been carefully selected to match the needs and wants of all potential participants. Continue reading

On 12th of May 2015, Sònia Oliveras from the Municipal Archive of Girona presented PREFORMA at the Study Visit of the Leonardo da Vinci Project in Girona. This study visit was developed through several workshops about digitalisation, publication in Europeana and digital preservation. Continue reading

The 2015 edition of the Joint Conference on Digital Libraries will be held from June 21st to 25th, 2015 at the University of Tennessee Conference Center in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA. This year theme is “Large, Dynamic and Ubiquitous –The Era of the Digital Library”. Continue reading

Deliverable D4.3 reports the functions of the Open Source Portal and the requirements for each associated Open Source project web site. Specifically, this deliverable sets out the direction for how the work in WP6 will be conducted. Each open source … Continue reading

This deliverable defines the competitive evaluation strategy which will be used for the assessment of the results of the suppliers at the end of the design phase 1. The competitive evaluation strategy serves to choose those suppliers which will pass … Continue reading

This document provides an overview of the dissemination strategy, activities, and materials the PREFORMA Project intends to use over the lifetime of the project. The dissemination activities aim to increase the impact of the project by making it visible to … Continue reading