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Topic: riches

Ultraorbism was an interactive distributed action between two networked connected spaces in two cities: Barcelona and Falmouth. The story was a linear interpretation of the first of the two books of True Story by Lucian of Samosata (a Syrian writer who lived in the second century AD), who tells an impossible journey on which everything is invented, with references to the mythology and literature of the era. Ultraorbism, a project directed by Marcel•lí Antúnez Roca, is part of the European project SPECIFI and case study of the RICHES European project’s research area. Continue reading

Ballade of Women is an interactive installation that explores perspectives on women’s rights. Through the lens of the personal experience of three women, the exhibition offers an interactive narration on three fundamental themes: emancipation, self-determination and violence. In the installation, representations of three paintings are fragmented and float in the space; set on rotating spindles, these fragments resist attempts by the viewer to capture them as a whole. Thus, the screens only provide a complete view of the paintings at selected times and from specific view-points in the room… Continue reading

The Museum of Non Participation embeds its institutional critique in its very title, yet it releases itself from being an actual museum. Instead it travels as a place, a slogan, a banner, a performance, a newspaper, a film, an intervention, an occupation: situations that enable this museum to “act.” Continue reading

The CSA (Audiovisual Experimental Center) is a workshop for cine-audiovisual shooting, which was established during the academic year 2013-14, as part of the “Prosmart” master’s degree (in Prato), promoted by University of Florence in partnership with PIN (the University Center … Continue reading

The Select Committee was appointed by the House of Lords on 12 June 2014 “to consider and report on information and communications technology, competitiveness and skills in the United Kingdom”. Computer technology brings “huge opportunities for the UK, but also significant risks”, the Committee warns. The internet should be viewed as a utility service, alongside water and electricity, it says. But without action, the UK may fall behind in the new digital era. Continue reading

The workshop “Aerial photogrammetry surveys with drones” was held in Tirana, Albania, at the National Museum, on 13 March 2015. It presented examples of aerial photogrammetry surveys conducted by means of drones in the Albanian Drino Valley, Valona Region, in the Hellenistic sites of Hadrianopolis, Jergucat, Frashtan and Antigonea. Continue reading

The RICHES International Conference held in Pisa (4-5 December 2014) concluded successfully the first year of activities of the project. Inspiring presentations delighted the audience with interesting reflections and best practice examples around the conference topic “Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating relationships”. Continue reading

RICHES Intellectual Property Rights strategy: the move from analogue to digital and new forms of IPR
The firsts outcomes of the IPR research conducted in the framework of the RICHES project are available on the project website. The RICHES project addresses the challenges that digital cultural practices pose to existing copyright law and argues for new perspectives on IPR. Continue reading