Topic: Uncharted-culture

Consultation on “Youth for the Future of Cultural Heritage in Europe” by Europa Nostra and its youth partners

Europa Nostra and its partner organisations working with youth in cultural heritage are launching a wide consultation on “Youth for the Future of Cultural Heritage in Europe” as a contribution to the European Year of Youth 2022. The consultation is … Continue reading

MESOC meeting in Athens

These days, from 4 to 6 May 2022, MESOC project is holding a 3-day event in Athens, hosted by DAEM S.A. (City of Athens IT Company), organized in three workshops that explore different topics: a workshop on the Delphi consultation … Continue reading

EC study on quality in 3D digitisation of tangible cultural heritage

In order to support the objectives of the Recommendation on a common European data space for cultural heritage adopted on 10 November 2021, the European Commission commissioned a study to help advance 3D digitisation across Europe. The aim of the … Continue reading

RURITAGE Summer School dedicated to heritage-based regeneration at regional level

RURITAGE is an EU H2020 project which aims to regenerate rural areas through heritage. Starting from the assumption that the cultural and natural heritage of European rural areas needs not only to be safeguarded, but also promoted and sustainably enhanced … Continue reading

Survey on museums and climate change

On Earth Day 22 April 2022, NEMO, the Network of European Museum Organisations, member of UNCHARTED community, launched a survey to evaluate the status quo of European museums’ transition towards sustainability in a time of climate emergency. With a comprehensive overview, … Continue reading

NEMO webinar on using cultural heritage to foster social cohesion: the MEMEX project

On April 27, NEMO (the Network of European Museum Organizations) organized a webinar focusing on the use of cultural heritage to promote social cohesion by strengthening historically under-represented communities. For the occasion, the experts of the MEMEX project will be … Continue reading

Volterra is the first Tuscan city of culture

Volterra, the Tuscan town studied by UNCHARTED as part of WP5 experimental and demonstrations together with the cities of Budapest, Porto and Barcelona, ​​has been awarded the title of first Tuscan city of culture 2022. The participatory cultural project called … Continue reading

Europeana 2022: call for proposals is open

The 2022 edition of the Europeana conference will take place on 28 – 30 September and a call for proposals has been launched for the occasion. The event will be organised in a hybrid format and the conference programme will … Continue reading

Digital Storytelling Festival

The online Digital Storytelling festival will take place from 10 May to 12 June 2022, hosted by Europeana and The Heritage Lab, the two non-profit organizations based in Europe and India with a common interest in storytelling and culture. The … Continue reading