Topic: Uncharted-culture

Turning a new page for heritage: ILUCIDARE Final Playground

ILUCIDARE is a three-year project, started in 2019, supported by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union. The purpose of the project is to promote heritage as a resource for innovation and international cooperation. ILUCIDARE’s activities aim to … Continue reading

Decision support tools and methodologies to improve the resilience of historic areas

The EU-funded project ARCH-Advancing Resilience of historic areas against Climate-related and other Hazards– is a research project aims to deliver decision support tools and methodologies to improve the resilience of historic areas to climate change-related and other hazards. Last December … Continue reading

Open call: the Festival of the New European Bauhaus

From science to art, from design to politics, from architecture to technology, the Festival of New European Bauhaus will be a great opportunity to network, debate and shape a sustainable, inclusive and beautiful future. The 2022 edition will be an … Continue reading

The European Commission has launched the Horizon Impact Award 2022

The deadline to apply for the third edition of the Horizon Impact Award ends on March 8th. This European Commission’s initiative intends to celebrate projects that have used their results to provide value for society and show the socio-economic benefits … Continue reading

The UNCHARTED community is expanding: welcome DOORS project!

DOORS, the Digital Incubator for Museums is a H2020 project coordinated by ARS ELECTRONICA with the aim to create an European incubator to support small and medium-sized museums in developing strategies to integrate technology and to enrich the online and … Continue reading

International conference EuroMed2022: call for papers

The international conference EuroMed 2022 will be held in Cyprus 7-11 November 2022. The event, announced by the newly established UNESCO and European Research Area (ERA) Chairs on Digital Heritage, will be dedicated on Digital Cultural Heritage Documentation, Preservation and … Continue reading

An artistic approach to solve the environmental challenges of cities

Always more frequently, many cities within and beyond Europe, are approaching the issue of pollution in a creative way. Street art becomes not only a decorative element, but also a tool to raise awareness on issues related to environmental sustainability … Continue reading

New results of UNCHARTED are available on the website

The latest outputs produced by the scientific work packages of UNCHARTED, WP2 Identifying the Emergence of Values of Culture” and WP3 “Measuring and Imagining, are available on the site for free download. The Work Package 2, led by the University … Continue reading

How can cultural heritage, tourism activities and local communities be integrated in a sustainable way to improve deprived areas in Europe?

The EU-funded project TexTOUR, Social Innovation and TEchnologies for sustainable growth through participative cultural TOURism, aims to co-design sustainable cultural tourism strategies and policies with the goal of producing social and economic benefits in deprived areas in Europe and beyond … Continue reading

Craft in the context of cultural heritage

Craft Hub – the craft library, is a 3 years European project co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme. The project focuses on craft in the context of cultural heritage and its continuing relevance in contemporary practice. The project activities involve … Continue reading