Topic: Uncharted-culture

UNCHARTED first policy brief and Report on WP2 case studies

The UNCHARTED project registered two relevant developments at the end of the first year: the phase of study and elaboration carried out by of work package 1, devoted to the analysis of the configuration of the values of culture, was … Continue reading

International Workshop ‘Societal Impacts of Culture: A transitional Perspective’

MESOC is research and innovation action whose challenge is to develop new perspectives and improved methodologies for capturing the wider societal value of culture, including but also beyond its economic impact, to enhance the potential role of culture as element … Continue reading

The HeLLo project shares its results with the UNCHARTED network

UNCHARTED is pleased to announce the collaboration with HeLLo :Heritage energy Living Lab onsite. The project was concluded on  September 2020 and was about  energetic  efficiency of historical buildings. During its two-year activity it carried out studies and scientific researches … Continue reading

Coventry University launches digital library to celebrate city’s cultural history

An online archive of photos, videos, maps and documents designed to celebrate the city’s heritage: this is the new initiative promoted by Coventry University in cooperation with Coventry City of Culture Trust, Culture Coventry and other partners. Coventry Digital was … Continue reading

Final Deliberative Workshop of HERIWELL EU project

Yesterday,  January 26th, it was held  the final event  of a 3-days online participatory initiative promoted by the HERIWELL project. In the first part of the meeting the HERIWELL team introduced the goals of the project and a brief description … Continue reading

EuropeanaTech calls for participation!

Google Arts and Culture (GA&C) is now a major portal through which users can experience artworks and cultural artifacts from over 2000 galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAM), from over 80 countries, worldwide. While the portal attracts large audiences, there … Continue reading

DIGITAL PAST 2021 Conference hosts ‘Saving Collective Visual History’ workshop by Photoconsortium

Digital Past is an annual two-day conference organised by the Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales. It showcases innovative digital technologies and techniques for data capture, interpretation and dissemination of the heritage of Wales, the UK … Continue reading

Work Package 1 of the UNCHARTED project complies with the expected deliverables

After the publication of the first outputs of its investigation, UNCHARTED presents  the sixth and final deliverable of the Work Package 1 (WP1), leaded by the University of Barcelona and devoted to analyzing the configuration of cultural values in Europe. … Continue reading

The vulnerability of the European cultural heritage

The 7 Most Endangered programme was launched in 2013 as part of a civil society campaign to save Europe’s endangered heritage. Each year, 7 European heritage sites are selected as the most endangered. This selection aims to draw attention for … Continue reading