Topic: Uncharted-culture

Volterra: the survey on the territory involving stakeholders and citizens has started

The case study of Volterra is part of the thematic Axis of Strategic Cultural Planning of WP5 Experimental Demonstration in the UNCHARTED project. The field work aims to reflect, verify and demonstrate how the social values of culture, identified during … Continue reading

European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage Information & Matchmaking Day

The European Commission – DG Research & Innovation invites all stakeholders in the cltural heritage sector in a virtual event  Tuesday 28 March 2023 focused on the current calls for a European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH). With an … Continue reading

Call for researcher – Upcoming NEMO report on climate policies for museums

The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) is looking to hire a researcher who will conduct and compile the research for a report on climate related policies that address museums in the 27 member states of the European Union. The … Continue reading

UNCHARTED Central Event in London

  The UNCHARTHED Central Event was held last 12-13 January 2023 in the fantastic location of Goldsmith University of London and saw the participation of entire consortium, project advisory board members and many invited stakeholders involved in the project. It … Continue reading

Presenting “Get inspired! Culture: a driver for health and wellbeing in the EU”

“Get inspired! Culture: a driver for health and wellbeing in the EU” gathers good practice examples from a range of projects from several European funding programmes, namely Creative Europe, Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe. They show the power of … Continue reading

Public consultation on the EU’s Horizon Research and Innovation Programmes 2014-2027

The Commission Services are currently running the largest ever public consultation held on the past, present and future of the EU’s Horizon research and innovation programmes 2014-2027. Through this consultation, you are able to share your views on: • The … Continue reading

“Get inspired!” A new publication of European Union

An interesting publication about culture and its relationship with health and well-being is published on the official website of European Union. The book’s title is “Get inspired! Culture. A driver for health and well-being in the EU” and it was … Continue reading

Volterra in Art Bonus Contest

The Art Bonus Contest, organized by Ministry of Culture, has selected the International Festival of Volterra’s Roman Theatre among the 260 projects in Italy that in the last year have successfully closed their fundraising Art Bonus, the tax measure introduced … Continue reading

A Cultural Deal for Europe – Policy Conversation

Culture Action Europe (CAE), European Cultural Foundation, and Europa Nostra invite you to join the Cultural Deal for Europe annual policy conversation: Culture is the new energy for Europe on 28 February from 15.00-18.00 CET. The European Parliament elections 2024 are approaching, preceded in 2023 by the mid-term review … Continue reading

Volterra: a stable theatre in prison

Volterra, studied by UNCHARTED as a main case of WP5 experimental and demonstrations, continues to carry on the process of ‘Human Regeneration’ started with ‘Volterra 2022’ for engagement with heritage and innovation of culture. Yesterday 26th of January 2023, the public presentation … Continue reading