Topic: Uncharted-culture

Volterra presents Design Alabastro 2022

  The “Design Alabastro 2022” project was presented today in Volterra as part of Volterra 2022 First Tuscan City of Culture, studied by UNCHARTED as a main case of WP5 experimental and demonstrations  With this project 11 national designers and 11 Volterra’s … Continue reading

A journey into the Hades in the Hypogeum of Cerberus: The Spatial Augmented Reality experience

Text and images by Donato Maniello (Studio Glowarp, Academy of Fines Arts-Naples, Italy, multimedia contents) This work discussion is a hypothesis of reconstruction of the missing part of the frieze of the Hypogeum of Cerberus located in Canosa di Puglia … Continue reading

Cultural Heritage to Innovate and to Stimulate International Cooperation

ILUCIDARE was a three-year EU-funded H2020 project aimed at establishing an international network promoting heritage as a resource for innovation and in international relations through a diversity of collaborative activities. The policy recommendations resulting from the project’s activities are now … Continue reading

European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage

The European Commission, on the request of the European Parliament and the Council of the EU, launched an initiative for a digital infrastructure that will connect cultural heritage institutions and professionals across Europe and develop specific digital tools for this … Continue reading

The web page of the UNCHARTED Central Event is available

The UNCHARTED project is excited to launch its Central Event which will take place in London on the 12th and 13th January 2023 organised under the co-coordination of the Goldsmiths University of London. A dedicated page has been published on the project … Continue reading

ILUCIDARE Policy recommendations to promote heritage as a source for innovation and international relations

ILUCIDARE, EU-funded H2020 project aimed at establishing an international network that promotes heritage as a resource for innovation and in international relations, has just published its policy recommendations resulting from the project’s activities. Evidence gathered by ILUCIDARE during its activities … Continue reading

UNCHARTED at WEAVE final conference

  WEAVE – Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana is a 2-years project funded by the CEF Programme of the EU. Member of the UNCHARTED community since 2021, it supports Europeana about widen European access to intangible cultural … Continue reading

Europeana 2022: Making digital culture count

From 28 to 30 September the annual Europeana conference will take place in a hybrid format: online and on-site at the KB, National Library of the Netherlands in The Hague. It will be a three-day event to learn, explore and … Continue reading

What does culture mean to Europeans?

What does culture mean to Europeans? The new report of INVENT aims to answer this question by gathering data and analysis to trace the multiplicity of understandings of culture within and across Europe. The report consists of 3 main parts. … Continue reading

The travelling MEMEX Exhibition is coming!

News from UNCHARTED community! MEMEX, the three-year H2020 project, aims to  promote social cohesion through collaborative, heritage-related tools that provide inclusive access to tangible and intangible cultural heritage and, at the same time, facilitate encounters, discussions and interactions between communities … Continue reading