Topic: europeana

Weaving, Dance and Coding teamed up with the WEAVE project

text and images: Rosa Cisneros, Coventry University. As part of the UKRI Making Connections Funding scheme Rosa Cisneros, WEAVE partner (Coventry University)  collaborates with musician and researcher Alex McLean and coder Lucy Chesman. The trio have teamed up for the Making Connections: … Continue reading

Crafting heritage: Restoring, Reactivating, Resisting

European Fashion Heritage Association invites you to its conference “Crafting Heritage: Restoring, Reactivating, Resisting” organized in collaboration with DIDA – Università degli Studi di Firenze and Museo del Tessuto di Prato. According to UNESCO “traditional craftsmanship is perhaps the  most … Continue reading

Capacity building workshop for WEAVE project

Organized by partner Europeana and coordinated by Sebastiaan ter Burg, a workshop based on the Europeana Capacity Building playbook took place for the WEAVE project on 25th November. The methodology is designed to support organizations and projects in creating a … Continue reading

Open consultation sessions on Digital Transformation

Do you want to help shape the thinking on how the cultural sector embraces Digital Transformation? Do you have your own views about the challenges and opportunities digital brings? Can you help us shape our plan of action?  We would … Continue reading

Driving engagement – participatory approaches to digital cultural heritage

Under the Slovenian Presidency of the Council it is announced the Europeana conference ‘Driving engagement – participatory approaches to digital cultural heritage’ on 2 and 3 December. The conference is mainly aimed at digital cultural policy makers from EU member … Continue reading

WEAVE at Europeana 2021: Recover, Rebuild, Grow

Europeana 2021 will explore how the cultural heritage sector can recover, rebuild and grow in a post-pandemic world. The rich programme of talks, panel discussions and presentations promises a great engagement with all the attendees. 70% of the programme for … Continue reading

Europeana 2021: Recover, Rebuild, Grow

Europeana 2021 will explore how the cultural heritage sector can recover, rebuild and grow in a post-pandemic world. Each day will begin with an address from a leading keynote speaker to inspire and inform your experience. 70% of the programme … Continue reading

WEAVE LabDay: Poetry and Photography

In preparing the content materials for the aggregation to Europeana, partner TopFoto referenced its inaugural writer-in-residence, Rommi Smith and her residency-collaboration with musician and composer, Christella Litras. This residency, TopFoto’s expertise and its collaboration with artist-researcher, Rommi Smith, has led … Continue reading

WEAVE presented at Europeana Aggregators Forum

The Europeana Aggregators Forum is the network of national, thematic and domain aggregators: organizations which enable cultural heritage institutions to share their content with Europeana and open it up to new audiences. Twice a year all of them meet to … Continue reading

WEAVE presented at Europeana Generic Services projects meeting

This invite-only event brings together representatives of all running and new Generic Services projects, the funding agency European Health and Digital Executive Agency – HaDEA, and the European Commission. WEAVE project was presented on day 1 the 11th October with … Continue reading