Topic: europeana

Blue skies, red panic – a photographic exhibition about the 1950s

Much like scents, flavours and music, photographs are powerful triggers of memory. So what better medium to recall a past as recent and as visually recognizable as early postwar Europe…? For about a year, the consortium involved in the EU-funded … Continue reading

Europeana 2019: Connect Communities

Europeana 2019 from Sebastiaan ter Burg on Vimeo. Europeana 2019 was held at the historic National Library of Portugal, Lisbon, whose vast and diversified heritage covers almost ten centuries of Portuguese history and culture. Europeana 2019 sold out in record … Continue reading

Kaleidoscope project meeting in Helsinki

The progress meeting of 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope project took place on the 5th June in Helsinki, attached to the annual event of Photoconsortium hosted by Museovirasto. Partners met particularly to discuss the next steps in two main areas of … Continue reading

EuropeanaTech and Pelagios, together for Linked Open Data

The current issue of EuropeanaTech Insight newsletter is solely dedicated to the Pelagios community and was done in close collaboration with the Pelagios team. Pelagios is a community and infrastructure for Linked Open Geodata in the Humanities, which means that … Continue reading

New task force on 3D content in Europeana

Europeana, the great European digital library, gives access to +58 million digital cultural items from important institutions across Europe. Most of this content has been digitized in recent years and a growing part of it is coming from 3D digitization … Continue reading

A concept workshop for 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope

all photos courtesy Fred Truyen. One of the technological aspects in the 50s in Europe Kaleidoscope project relates to implement a specific visual matching search tool for photography of the Fifties, that will support user engagement with Europeana content and … Continue reading

REvivEU.. it’s our history too!

REvivEU is a project financed by the EU in the framework of the European Year of Cultural Heritage. The objective is to realize a series of pop-up exhibitions across 2019 in various European cities, to celebrate the diversity of European … Continue reading

50s in Europe Kaleidoscope (2018-2020)

“50s in Europe Kaleidoscope” is a new project led by KU Leuven and including a mix of technology partners, universities and content providers. The aim of the project is to use state-of-the-art technologies to improve the user experience in engaging … Continue reading

Europeana Migration Collection Day – Pisa

Photoconsortium and KU Leuven, in collaboration with Europeana, the European digital library, in the framework of the Europeana Migration project, organized a Collection Day and photographic exhibition hosted by the Museo della Grafica in Pisa. We all have objects, photographs … Continue reading

Euromed 2018 registrations are now open

The EuroMed2018 registration is online and it is mandatory for ALL the participants: Moreover, it is a real success that in total 537 papers have been submitted and reviewed for the EuroMed2018 conference. The 97 accepted papers are already … Continue reading