Topic: INCULTUM News

Recovery of the Aynadamar irrigation channel (Granada) – INCULTUM Pilot

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). The recovery of Aynadamar irrigation channel, that is a stretch of about 2.8 km, will consist of removing soil and vegetation accumulated in the canalisation since the 80s, after … Continue reading

Meeting INCULTUM pilot in Greece, in the valley of Aoos river

A meeting was organized between INCULTUM partners Promoter, and The High Mountains cooperative to review the work done so far for the participative action to enhance the Aoos river’s valley and unlock its tourism potential, in the context of INCULTUM … Continue reading

International workshop in Albania about integrated management of heritage sites

Building together the future of heritage sites in the Balkans Vau i Dejës & Shkodra, Albania 14-17 November 2022 Three-and-a-half days exchange workshop about heritage sites sustainable management in the Balkans, based on case studies and shared experiences. The plenary … Continue reading

Travelling to Albania to INCULTUM pilot in Upper Vjosa Valley

A meeting was organized between INCULTUM partners Promoter, CeRPHAAL and the Municipality of Përmet to visit the sites of the INCULTUM Pilot 8 Vjosa the shared river. The Pilot aims to support touristic development of the area, by exploring the … Continue reading

Discovering INCULTUM pilot in Slovakia: mining treasures of Banska Bystrica

In September 2022, INCULTUM partners Promoter and Matej Bel University met to discuss about the work ongoing in the Pilot 3 Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia. Focus of INCULTUM action is to support territorial and tourist promotion in the region … Continue reading

INCULTUM Policy Brief on Sustainable Tourism

One of the research areas of INCULTUM project focuses on developing policy recommendations that supports innovative and participative approaches to a community-led and sustainable tourism development in rural or marginal territories. The activity on policies overall is led by experts … Continue reading

INCULTUM at WEAVE Final Conference

WEAVE – Widen European Access to cultural communities Via Europeana is a Europeana project funded by the CEF Programme of the EU and is part of the INCULTUM network. Focus of the project is on enhancing European access to intangible … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot: collaboration agreements established in Altiplano de Granada

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). On 6 September, the first signing took place of the first collaboration agreements between Cáñar Irrigation Communities and Cáñar Town Councils that the INCULTUM Pilot coordinated by the University … Continue reading

INCULTUM first institutional animation meeting in Sicily

The INCULTUM project is an international initiative which landed in Sicily by implementing a Pilot project for tourism promotion in the area of Trapani, coordinated by GAL ELIMOS, Local Action Group. The Pilot is innested in a larger initiative called … Continue reading

Storytelling for supporting tourism in the village of San Pellegrino in Alpe (Tuscany)

The Tuscan Pilot of the INCULTUM project, coordinated by the University of Pisa and set in the beautiful landscape of the Garfagnana in Tuscany, aims at developing innovative and community-involving tourism appraoches to support territorial promotion. In this effort, last … Continue reading