Topic: INCULTUM News

Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia

The Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia conference will take place on April 25, 2024 at the Radnica – Town Hall in Banská Bystrica. This is event is organised by Matej Bell University in the frame of the pilot of the INCULTUM … Continue reading

The INCULTUM project is on CORDIS

CORDIS is the service of the European Commission to discover the results of the research and innovation initiatives in Europe. It provides information on projects, topics, and publications funded by the EU’s research programs, in multiple languages. A new ‘Results … Continue reading

INCULTUM and geotourism

Associate Professor Carsten Humlebæk of Copenhagen Business School, partner of the INCULTUM project, recently participated in the first ordinary meeting of the Scientific Council of Geopark The South Fyn Archipelago of which he became a member at the inception of the … Continue reading

INCULTUM – Methods for collecting and analyzing tourists and visitors

On February 13th, the INCULTUM pilot coordinated by Uppsala University  held a training session on methods for collecting and analyzing tourists and visitors. The session was held in Uppsala with 15 participants ranging from employees within three different municipalities, place … Continue reading

INCULTUM marketing and social branding in tourism destinations

The new academic course on marketing and social branding in tourism destinations is available in the INCULTUM Training Portal. for free access. The contents have been developed under the scientific coordination of the University of Pisa, partner of the INCULTUM … Continue reading

INCULTUM International conference

The INCULTUM project is approaching the conclusion of the EU funding period. A final event is planned to take place on 12 April, 2024 in Guadix, Andalusia, organised by the project’s coordinator UGR hosted by ENTURNA Escuela Internacional de Turismo … Continue reading

First meeting of the Scientific Council of The South Fyn Archipelago

Friday 19 January 2024, the first meeting of the Scientific Council of The South Fyn Archipelago took place. It was actually a very exciting encounter. Carsten Humlebæk from CBS participated to represent the field of action that deals with Geotourism, … Continue reading

Cleaning of the Aynadamar irrigation channel: a participatory activity

After the recovery of the Aynadamar irrigation channel and the adjoining trail during the last year, the INCULTUM pilot in Andalusia continues with the maintenance of this important channel in the shaping of the city of Granada. The main objective … Continue reading

INCULTUM Guidelines on the use of European Structural and Investment Funds

The INCULTUM project focuses on promoting cultural tourism in Europe’s peripheral regions, leveraging European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). These Guidelines analyze the experiences of INCULTUM pilots with ESIF, providing insights into their application, management, and impact on cultural heritage … Continue reading

INCULTUM pilot in Al-Andalus, training on water

Training on water in Al-Andalus Last Monday, January 29th, MEMOLab gave a training on water in Al-Andalus at the Rafael Vidal school in Fonelas, a municipality in the Altiplano of Granada. The conference is part of the INCULTUM pilot about … Continue reading