Topic: 3D imaging & simulation

Online exhibition of digital sculptures by Hande Sekerciler at JD Malat Gallery

JD Malat Gallery is proud to present ecstasy, a solo exhibition by leading Turkish sculptor Hande Sekerciler. From the 26th of November until the 1st of January, ecstasy will bring together a selection of three-dimensional digital sculptures to explore the … Continue reading

Digital offering at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History of Washington

Text by Caterina Sbrana. The pandemic from Sars Covid-19 has accustomed us to receive messages of cultural events, exhibitions, concerts, shows that are cancelled. Museums and art galleries have also closed public visits. However, digital technology is trying to bridge … Continue reading

Video art collaborations in October 2020 by Video Art Miden

October 2020 is a month of collaborations for Video Art Miden: 3 online screening programs will be available from 1 to 31 of October on Video Art Miden’s youtube channel, 2 of them curated by invited collaborators, while one more thematic program … Continue reading


The new S+T+ARTS exhibition VISIBLE SENSIBLE is opening at Fondation Fiminco, in Romainville (Grand Paris), from September 18th through October 4th, organized by two partners, French Tech Grande Provence and Fondation Fiminco. Today, 55% of the world’s population lives in urban … Continue reading

Sacrebleu Digital Art 3D contest, open for submission

Sacrebleu consulting Art agency based in New York city is calling to artists for a 3D art contest with prize of 400 $. We are on the final stage to launch a new mobile app with Augmented-Reality, based on geolocation … Continue reading

Oscillations 2020, new artwork by Miguel Chevalier

Oscillations 2020, Miguel Chevalier Music: Michel Redolfi Generative and audio-reactive virtual-reality installation Wood Street Galleries, Pittsburgh (USA) Curator: Murray Horne January 25 – April 5, 2020 Software: Cyrille Henry / Antoine Villeret Technical production: Voxels Productions Miguel CHEVALIER Oscillations 2020 … Continue reading

Anthropocene, a multimedia exhibition that investigates the impact of human footprint on the Earth

Text by Caterina Sbrana. Bologna, January 4. Welcome to MAST Foundation (Arts, Experience and Technology), an international cultural and philanthropic institution that focuses on art, technology and innovation. Welcome to Anthropocene, a multimedia exploration of the human footprint on Earth. … Continue reading

FILE – Electronic Language International Festival

Text by Caterina Sbrana. When art, aesthetic expression, animation, music, sound effects and sonority meet technology, through a deep artistic research, we are witnessing an incredible reinterpretation of reality. FILE is a non-profit brazilian cultural organization established in the city of … Continue reading

Florence Heri-Tech 2020, new dates

NEW DATES! 14-16 October 2020 The International Conference Florence Heri-tech: the Future of Heritage Science and Technologies, involves a large number of researches and scholars from around the world and puts the industry’s current issues under spotlight, specifically on issues … Continue reading

Exhibition “Fragmenta“ by Artist Gianluca Cingolani at Today Art Museum in Beijing

Gianluca Cingolani is a multidisciplinary artist, working with video, photography, graphic and music. The exhibition Fragmenta, that opens in Beijing on 16th November, is a journey in Time, a reflection on the concepts of Narration. Fragments, the origin cells, take us in … Continue reading