Topic: art & new media technologies

“OPEN SITE 2019-2020” by TOKAS, exhibitions and more in Tokyo

Tokyo Arts and Space (TOKAS) is an arts center dedicated to the creation and promotion of contemporary artistic expression from Tokyo and supports a wide spectrum of artistic activities including crossover and experimental projects. Established in 2001 as Tokyo Wonder … Continue reading

CALL FOR APPLICATIONS – bang.prix 2020 digital artists

bang. Prix is Turkey’s leading platform where art, design, technology and science intersect, founded in 2015 by a team of interdisciplinary minds with backgrounds in various fields and the common desire to share their curiosities and develop beyond the scope … Continue reading

Exhibition “Fragmenta“ by Artist Gianluca Cingolani at Today Art Museum in Beijing

Gianluca Cingolani is a multidisciplinary artist, working with video, photography, graphic and music. The exhibition Fragmenta, that opens in Beijing on 16th November, is a journey in Time, a reflection on the concepts of Narration. Fragments, the origin cells, take us in … Continue reading

Little Islands Festival – call for artists

Little Islands Festival is a festival for people, places, ideas, images. A summer feast of audiovisual arts based in Sikinos island with the intent to connect more and more little Greek islands every year. LIF creates the motivation for gatherings … Continue reading

Orbites 2019 – Miguel Chevalier

Miguel Chevalier’s fourteen-meter-high light sculpture “Orbites” premiered in Beaugrenelle Paris shopping centre. This sculpture-installation is composed of nine aluminum rings covered with LED lights. The rings, from 1.5 to 3 meters in diameter, are arranged in a cascade. They are … Continue reading

Open position in San Diego at “Art, Media, and Design” faculty

The Art, Media, and Design Department (AMD) at California State University San Marcos (CSUSM) seeks a full-time tenure track candidate whose work is based in 2-D studio arts including drawing, painting and printmaking as well as hybrid analogue and digital … Continue reading

Open Call for Artists: MASTERCARD digital art project

Artacia and MasterCard are inviting TWO Digital/New Media artists from Asia to create artworks for the new MasterCard Experience Center in Singapore that will highlight factors that keep MasterCard at the forefront of technology and innovation. This project aims to … Continue reading

Fiaticorti, the international short film festival

Applications are now open for the 20th edition of Fiaticorti, the international short film festival based in Istana, one of the most important short film festival in Italy. You have until 31th August 2019 to sign up. Three sections are … Continue reading

CROSS award 2019 – Residency in Italy

LIS Lab Performing Arts – in collaboration with Fondazione Piemonte dal Vivo and Ricola announces the fifth edition of the ‘Internation CROSS award’ for artists and companies in the field of performing arts and music, with particular attention to productions … Continue reading

MORI BUILDING digital art museum

Text by Caterina Sbrana. The International Council of Museums defines the Museum as  A permanent, non-profit institution serving society and its development. It is open to the public and carries out researches concerning the material and immaterial testimonies of humanity and … Continue reading