Topic: art & new media technologies A Vibrant Digital Library

Text by Caterina Sbrana. John James Audubon (1785-1851) was not the first person who painted and described all the birds of America, but he was one of the youngest “country’s dominant wildlife artist(s)”. We are talking about his seminal Birds of … Continue reading

STARTS residencies at FUTUR.E.S festival in Paris

We are very happy to present two STARTS Residencies projects during Futur.e.s festival on 13th and 14th June, at the Galerie des Gobelins in Paris. Created by Cap Digital, Futur.e.s festival offers for two days interactive summits that mix inspirational … Continue reading

“THE WONDERS OF POSSIBLE”, open call for artists

In November 2019, Kyber Teatro organises in Cagliari (Italy) the 6th Edition of the International Theatre, Art and New Technologies Festival called “Le Meraviglie del Possibile”. LMDP Festival is the first of this kind in the whole Italy. Its aim … Continue reading

European Research and Innovation Days

The European Research & Innovation Days draft programme is now available! This programme will be updated in the coming weeks and registrations will open in early June. When you register you will receive an automated email acknowledging receipt of your … Continue reading

Machine Vision 2019 – digital exhibition in Paris

Digital artist Miguel Chevalier has a solo exhibition « Machine Vision 2019 » at Galerie Mordoch in Paris, where he is presenting his latest research into the theme of the digitized body, a theme he has been exploring since the 1980s. … Continue reading

“Pixels Noir Lumière” new digital exhibition by Miguel Chevalier

Digital artist Miguel Chevalier currently has the solo exhibition “Pixels Noir Lumière” in Soulages Museum in Rodez that pays tribute to the work of the painter artist Pierre Soulages, who will celebrate his 100th birthday on 24 December 2019. The … Continue reading

Tribute to the 15 Years of Athens Digital Arts Festival

Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF), the representative of Greece in the international digital art scene, celebrates 15 years of constant presence with a great tribute event on 10 and 11 of May, opening for the first time to the audience … Continue reading

EVA 2019 Saint Petersburg: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

We invite you to take part in the International Conference EVA 2019 SAINT PETERSBURG: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (, which will take place 20 – 21 June 2019 at the ITMO University (Lomonosov Street, bld 9, Saint Petersburg, … Continue reading

Lumen Prize for Art and Technology 2019: call for entries

Calling all artists engaging with technology The Lumen Prize for Art and Technology celebrates and promotes artists working with technology globally through its annual juried competition and exhibitions. Now in its 8th year, The Lumen Prize has already awarded over … Continue reading

daisie is a playground for creative collaboration, exchange and networking

daisie is a new app designed by a hugely passionate team who cares about the future of creatives in a rapidly changing world: daisie supports creatives work together and discover one another, by sharing original content, and facilitating exchange and … Continue reading