Topic: art & new media technologies

Rijksstudio Award now open / deadline 15 January 2017

The Rijksstudio Award design competition is now open for entry! Be inspired by the Rijksmuseum’s collection and create your own personal masterpiece. Anyone can take part and all art forms are allowed. The Rijksmuseum will be awarding the Rijksstudio Award … Continue reading

Beijing Media Art Biennale 2016 is opening in September

From our correspondent Elisa Debernardi The “Beijing Media Art Biennale” aims through an interdisciplinary, cross-cutting artistic and theoretical practice to generate a dialogue and interface between the public and industry. It will be held at the World Art Museum and … Continue reading

New Calls for Contributions in the area of Dance research

Dance Fields Post-Graduate Research Un-Symposium Thursday 8th-Friday 9th December 2016 EXTENDED Deadline for proposals: September 19th 2016 The Dance Fields Postgraduate Un-Symposium is designed as an informal event to share research and ideas, ‘network’, and engage in dialogue and discussion through a series of … Continue reading

Webconsultation on STARTS = Science + Technology + Arts

STARTS encourages synergies between the Arts and innovation for technology and society by promoting the inclusion of artists in Horizon 2020 projects. The initiative Science + Technology + Arts = STARTS in Horizon 2020 is based on the conviction that … Continue reading

“Freeze! Challenge the Hierarchy: Researcher, Artist, User!” – E-Space Dance Pilot in Copenhagen

by Rosemary Kostic Cisneros (Coventry University). This was an international conference mainly for Dance/Art related academics, professionals, archivists  and practitioners, with over 150 participants, organized by SIBMAS, the international network of cultural heritage in the performing arts, on 31 May – … Continue reading

Preparing the exhibition of Open Hybrid Publishing pilot

Within the framework of Europeana Space, the Open and Hybrid Publishing Pilot exhibiton is under preparation since few months and will be launched soon. First, a call for creative works was published in the project blog, on the media partner … Continue reading

STARTS Prize 2016 to “Magnetic Motion” and “Artificial Skins and Bones”

  Ars Electronica Linz was selected to conduct the competition to determine the first two recipients of an award launched this year by the European Commission that is as prestigious as it is highly endowed. The STARTS Prize, each accompanied … Continue reading

Creative Artist/ Coder to join a Transciplinary Dance Research Project

The Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE), Coventry University seeks a highly motivated creative artist/ coder to join a unique trans-disciplinary team exploring the artistic, scholarly and scientific potential of choreographic and dance-related data. The opportunity will be supported by an … Continue reading

Transmedia Knowledge-Base for Performing Arts, official launch in Lisbon

The Knowledge-Base for performing arts (TKB) is a dynamic and open-ended resource to support the creation and documentation of contemporary performances in the format of a digital “archive of processes”. It has been recently presented at the important Alkantara International … Continue reading

4th International Festival of NanoArt

The 4th International Festival of NanoArt was be hosted in Cluj-Napoca, Romania by Babes-Bolyai University between September 8 – 14, 2016 in parallel with the 11th International Conference On Physics Of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-11). The artworks were shown in the … Continue reading