Topic: art & new media technologies

MuDA is the Museum of Digital Art…stay tuned!

MuDA stands for Museum of Digital Art. The Museum of Digital Art is dedicated to the art of code and the questions raised by the interactions between data, algorithms and society. It will have a virtual presence, on pretty much every screen connected to the internet. And a physical presence in the ground floor of the first high rise building of Zurich, Switzerland. The MuDA is initiated by the non-profit Digital Arts Association and bound to open its doors, with your help, in January 2016. Continue reading


CUTE is a yearly mas­ter­class series on cul­ture and tech­nol­ogy, orga­nized by the Nume­di­art research insti­tute, and brings together a panel of world-renowned experts in var­i­ous high-tech fields and get them to meet all kinds of audi­ences (research, arts, indus­try) … Continue reading

Urban Landscape photography and copyright

There’s a big buzz currently going on about the issue of Freedom of Panorama, connected to the neverendig story of copyright in the changing digital world, and particularly connected to photography and to user-generated content. Freedom of Panorama is a … Continue reading

GAMELAB: Games and Interactive entertainment conference

Founded in 2005, Gamelab is a non-profit organization devoted to create quality events where international professionals, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs and investors from the digital entertainment space get inspired and share innovative ideas and projects. Gamelab events connect, empower and inspire … Continue reading

STARTS explores the catalytic role of the Arts

The STARTS (Science, Technology and the Arts) Symposium, being held in Brussels on 22-23 June 2015 at BOZAR, is aimed at exploring the catalytic role of the Arts for innovation in business, industry and society and how to foster it. As representative of the Civic Epistemologies consortium Frederik Truyen, Professor at the Faculty of Arts of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, is attending the event to present the project to the delegates. Continue reading

EuropeanaTV pilot succesfully promoted at TVX2015 conference in Brussels

by Kelly Mostert, NISV During the 2015 ACM TVX conference, hosted by the iMinds Digital Society Department, that took place on the 3rd – 5th of June at the Crown Plaza Hotel in Brussels the EuropeanaTV pilot of Europeana Space … Continue reading

Museums as Cultural, Urban, Creative and Learning Interface

  When: Wednesday, May 20, 2015, 9:00 – 17:30 Where: Institut Méditerranéen des Métiers du Patrimoine (I2MP), 201 quai du Port 13002 Marseille What: Seminar on Technology in the Arts, Humanities and Cultural Heritage, entitled Museums as Cultural, Urban, Creative … Continue reading

Scénographies de l’éclat, by Montel and Fischnaller

Did ancient statues living in the traditional museums lose their radiance and divine feature? New technologies, combining 3D imagery and multisensory visitor experience, enable to recreate within an innovative space the ancient splendour of the Greek plastic. Sophie Montel recognises … Continue reading

iMAL digital fabrication workshop

FabLab.iMAL presents its next workshop on laser-cutting, 3D printing & CNC milling, being held in Brussels on 26 May 2015 from 10.00 to 13.00. In 3 hours, you will get introduced to the basics and the safety instructions that will make you able to use the laser-cutter, 3D printers and CNC milling machine. Continue reading

MuseumNext 2015

‘What’s next?’ for the museum sector? The Europe’s major conference on the future of Museums call for papers is out. The 2015 edition of MuseumNext will take place in the Swiss city of Geneva between April 19–21. Updates and latest news about the event at Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin. Continue reading