Topic: audio video & music

Call for papers VIEW Journal: Audiovisual Data in Digital Humanities

Considering the relevance of audiovisual material as perhaps the biggest wave of data to come in the near future (Smith, 2013, IBM prospective study) its relatively modest position within the realm of Digital Humanities conferences is remarkable. The objective of … Continue reading

Interview with Julia Kim

Julia Kim is the Digital Assets Specialist at the American Folklife Center at the Library of Congress. So far, she has primarily used MediaConch to create reports for new and incoming born-digital video from the Civil Rights History Project and the DPX files from digitizing celluloid film. Continue reading

International Surrealism Now – artist Santiago Ribeiro in New York

Since July 19, 2017 until December 31, 2017 will be shown art from Santiago Ribeiro at Times Square Nasdaq OMX Group, New York city. Nasdaq, MarketSite is located in New York City’s Times Square. The presentation of the works of … Continue reading

Interview with Marion Jaks

Marion is a video archivist at the Austrian Mediathek, the Austrian video and sound archive. Her main area of work is the digitization of analogue videos and quality control of video files entering the digital archive. The main use case for MediaConch is to check if files that were produced outside of the default workflow procedure meet the policy for the archival master. Continue reading

Interview with Kieran O’Leary

This is the third in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Kieran O’Leary has an intership with the Irish Film Archive within the Irish Film Institute, mostly working on code, workflows, metadata, digitisation, migration, and facilitating access to collections. He is using MediaConch’s GUI to check files delivered from vendors. MediaConch automates a lot of this work via local policy creation. Continue reading

Sightseeing tour of Dream Land

Dream Land is a virtual space that was recently included in an important collective exhibition entitled “Self Criticism” at Beijing’s museum Inside Out. A second exhibition of Dream Land took place in the office of the artistic director of newspaper … Continue reading

Interview with Kathryn Gronsbell

Kathryn is Digital Collections Manager at Carnegie Hall and she develops and supports sustainable practices around the digital asset lifecycle to ensure the availability and integrity of material related to the Hall. MediaConch is part of Carnegie Hall’s pre-ingest procedures to check the quality of the vendor output against the digitization specs. Continue reading


On December 2017, Kyber Teatro organises in Cagliari (Italy) the fourth edition of International Theatre, Art and New Technologies Festival Le meraviglie del Possibile LMDP Festival is the first of this kind in the whole Italy. It aim to promote … Continue reading

VIEW Journal Celebrates Fifth Anniversary with New Interface

VIEW Journal started five years ago as the first peer-reviewed, multimedia and open access e-journal in its field. The online open access journal now has a fresh new look. Its new interface makes reading and navigation easier. More importantly, it … Continue reading

MediaConch in action! Issue #1

This is the first in a series of interviews with people using MediaConch within their institutions. Eddy Colloton is Assistant Conservator specializing in electronic media at the Denver Art Museum (DAM). DAM is planning to use MediaConch primarily for policy checking, as a form of quality assurance, to check that videotapes digitized by a vendor meet the museum’s target encoding and file format. Continue reading