Topic: audio video & music

Art, Museums and Digital Cultures

The International Conference on Art, Museums and Digital Cultures will bring together different scientific and creative perspectives on the crossovers between information technologies and the arts. How are museums, curators and the artists themselves responding to the opportunities, but also … Continue reading

Digital offering at the Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History of Washington

Text by Caterina Sbrana. The pandemic from Sars Covid-19 has accustomed us to receive messages of cultural events, exhibitions, concerts, shows that are cancelled. Museums and art galleries have also closed public visits. However, digital technology is trying to bridge … Continue reading

Remote Latency, Goldsmiths Bsc Digital Arts Computing

Five graduating artists of Goldsmiths Digital Arts Computing Bsc display their work in an unanticipated context. Together with Arebyte Gallery’s AOS they present the online exhibition Remote Latency Remote Latency deals with the implications and challenges of digital distance and … Continue reading

Video art collaborations in October 2020 by Video Art Miden

October 2020 is a month of collaborations for Video Art Miden: 3 online screening programs will be available from 1 to 31 of October on Video Art Miden’s youtube channel, 2 of them curated by invited collaborators, while one more thematic program … Continue reading

CENTAUR, one more premiere for ADAF ONLINE

The 16th international festival for digital arts of Greece, Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF), the pioneer longest living institution dedicated to digital culture in the country (est.2005), is launching the Online era and continues its daily activities presenting even more … Continue reading

SIMULTAN Festival 2020 “Unseen”

SIMULTAN is an annual festival dedicated to interdisciplinary arts – emerging media projects, experimental music and audio-visual and sound projects, in order to support new forms of artistic expression. The festival hosts annual live audio-visual performances, video art screenings, exhibitions, … Continue reading

Sacrebleu Digital Art 3D contest, open for submission

Sacrebleu consulting Art agency based in New York city is calling to artists for a 3D art contest with prize of 400 $. We are on the final stage to launch a new mobile app with Augmented-Reality, based on geolocation … Continue reading

Athens Digital Arts Festival is launching the new era

On 10 July, ADAF Online opens its digital doors. Against the adversity of the time, Athens Digital Arts Festival is evolving, becoming even more creative and develops an Online presence in addition to the main festival. The new, specially designed … Continue reading

Magnetic Tape Alert Project: mapping archives that are in danger

Today’s knowledge of the linguistic and cultural diversity of humanity is widely based on magnetic tape recordings produced over the past 60 years. Magnetic audio and video tape formats are now obsolete. Spare parts supply and service is fading, replay … Continue reading

Video Art Miden: video art online!

Video Art Miden collaborates with the 1st Painting Studio of Athens School of Fine Arts, participating in this year’s academic project under the theme “ARTificial Intelligence“. In this frame, Video Art Miden prepared a special video art program to be viewed by the students of … Continue reading