Topic: past events

Digital Arts Services Symposium 2019

The question of how the arts will thrive in an increasingly digital world transcends conventional borders. ArtsPond is pleased to announce the vision of the second Digital Arts Services Symposium 2019 (DASSAN19) in Toronto, Canada. With a theme of “All … Continue reading

Beijing Media Art Biennale (BMAB) 2019: “Post Life”

The 2nd Beijing Media Art Biennale (BMAB) in 2018 is running September 5 to 24 at CAFA Art Museum. BMAB is funded by China National Art Fund, organized by China Academy of Fine Arts and co-sponsored by the CAFA School … Continue reading

DigiFest, a festival highlighting the use of technology to preserve and explore the past

ENGINE SHED announces festival showcasing digital innovation in the heritage sector: Scotland’s dedicated building conservation centre will host programme highlighting the use of ground-breaking technology to preserve and explore the past. DigiFest will also incorporate two-day international conference featuring high-profile … Continue reading

Computer Vision Conference (CVC) 2019

The Computer Vision Conference builds on previous SAI conferences and aims to become a major point of contact between researchers, academic faculty, students, engineers and practitioners on the areas of Machine Vision, Image Processing, Data Science and Pattern Recognition, both from theoretical … Continue reading

7th EUROMED 2018 conference – Progress in Cultural Heritage e-Documentation, Preservation and Protection

The 7th biannual  European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) conference brings together researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows and practitioners to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary … Continue reading

Europe and Fashion: Questioning Identities and Cultures

EFHA International Conference 2018: Europe and Fashion: Questioning Identities and Cultures The conference Europe and Fashion: Questioning Identities and Cultures focused on European sartorial heritage, its collecting and its archiving practices; it explored and contextualised spaces of cultural interactions, displacement … Continue reading

First International Seminar on Sports Archives

The International Council on Archives (ICA), through the Section on Sport Archives (SPO), aims to make governments and the public aware of the need to preserve and conserve archives belonging to all the individuals, public and private institutions, associations and … Continue reading

Cultural Heritage For The Future: The Role Of Media Innovation

Audio-visual and radio archives are vivid testimonies of our history and cultural identities. Preserving and facilitating access to our cultural heritage has a crucial role to play in building the future of Europe. These stories deserve to be seen and … Continue reading

Land / Sea / Signal exhibition launch in RuaRed / Dublin, Ireland

Alan Butler, Gregory Chatonsky, John Gerrard, Nicolas Sassoon, Rick Silva and Santa France Curated by Nora O Murchú Rua Red: 20th July – 14th September From overhead satellites to underwater sea cables — network infrastructures and algorithmic software systems are … Continue reading

Closing conference of European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018

Closing conference organised jointly by the Austrian Presidency of the Council of the European Union and the European Commission. It will showcase projects of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and discuss the legacy of the year. Links and … Continue reading