Topic: past events

Digital Heritage and Innovation, Engagement and Identity – Civic Epistemologies Final Conference

The project will deliver an International Conference in Berlin (12-13 November 2015) to illustrate and promote the Roadmap and to present results from the project. The International Conference will be hosted at the Hamburger Bahnhof in Berlin. ABSTRACT: Digital Heritage is linking cultural heritage and … Continue reading

DISH 2015: the kick off!

DISH program committee has been very busy reading all proposals for papers, workshops, talks etc..  The first day of the conference was kicked off for a rich programme of plenary and parallel sessions on DISH website: be inspired, visit for more … Continue reading

Lifestyle and Time Use for a Forward-Looking Europe – GLAMURS workshop

An interesting workshop organized by the European GLAMURS project (Green Lifestyles, Alternative Models and Upscaling Regional Sustainability) will demonstrate the latest findings from GLAMURS, and seek feedback on policy recommendations for the last phase of the project. GLAMURS aims to … Continue reading

Presenting the Theatrical Past. Interplays of Artefacts, Discourses and Practices

The conference “Presenting the Theatrical Past. Interplays of Artefacts, Discourses and Practices” addresses questions concerning our relationship to theatre history. The theatre of the past is accessible to us via historical objects, theoretical discourses and archive materials. But we can also experience it through performance practices that keep traditions alive or engage in re-enactments of theatre events and representations. Continue reading

III Workshop on Big Humanities Data

The third IEEE Workshop on Big Humanities Data will be held on Thursday, 29 October 2015, in Santa Clara, California, in conjunction with the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Big Data. The workshop will will address applications of “big data” in the humanities, arts, culture and social science and the challenges and possibilities that such increased scale brings for scholarship in these areas. Continue reading

RICHES POLICY SEMINAR, Brussels, 19 October 2015

The policies presented by RICHES are related to the need to develop and use a common taxonomy, innovation in copyright frameworks and open access to data and information, and co-creation practices to facilitate innovation in the cultural heritage sector – all with the purpose of overcoming a range of barriers and constraints. The event was preceded in the morning by a Networking Session where invited participants in EC-funded projects discussed aims and achievements in the light of establishing new, profitable collaborations and synergies. Continue reading

DISH conference upcoming! with 2015 theme: Money and Power

On December 7th and 8th 2015 the next edition of DISH, the conference about digital strategies for heritage, will take place in Rotterdam, The Netherlands. The theme for DISH2015 is Money and Power. Continue reading

VICTA: Visions on Internet of Cultural Things and Applications – workshop at SITIS conference 2015

The international workshop on Visions on Internet of Cultural Things and Applications (VICTA) is part of the 11th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems (SITIS 2015), being held in Bangkok, Thailand, on 23-27 November 2015. VICTA 2015 is organised by DATABENC, the high technology district for Cultural Heritage in Campania Region, Italy. Continue reading

Europeana Network Association AGM 2015

“We are Europeana” The Europeana Network Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) is an annual key event for Europeana and its network. It provides the opportunity for Europeana and its partners for all to share, discuss and develop specific areas of … Continue reading