Topic: past events

CultureTECH: Northern Ireland’s Innovation Festival

This year, CultureTECH festival is being held on 11-20 September 2015. The open access event, taking place each September in Derry-Londonderry, is the biggest technology and creative industry event in Northern Ireland. Continue reading

Digital Humanities Summer School @ LINHD UNED

The course is being held in Madrid, at LINHD (Laboratorio de Innovación en Humanidades Digitales), from 13 to 17 July 2015, with the sponsorship of DiXiT – Digital Scholarly Editions Initial Training Network. The various programme sessions aim to complete the participants’ training, in order for them to become familiar with text transformation via different languages (HTML, CSS, XSLT) and formats (ePub). The competences acquired will enable the students to know the whole digital editing process and to generate several kind editions (scientific, didactic). Continue reading

Workshop about Innovation Policies for Cultural Heritage Institutions

The CIVIC ESPISTEMOLOGIES project’s has the task to design a Roadmap for broadening e-Infrastructure deployment to support citizen researchers in digital culture. A first draft version of the Roadmap has been presented at the Workshop on the Roadmap in Leuven (20 February … Continue reading


CUTE is a yearly mas­ter­class series on cul­ture and tech­nol­ogy, orga­nized by the Nume­di­art research insti­tute, and brings together a panel of world-renowned experts in var­i­ous high-tech fields and get them to meet all kinds of audi­ences (research, arts, indus­try) … Continue reading

GAMELAB: Games and Interactive entertainment conference

Founded in 2005, Gamelab is a non-profit organization devoted to create quality events where international professionals, researchers, academics, entrepreneurs and investors from the digital entertainment space get inspired and share innovative ideas and projects. Gamelab events connect, empower and inspire … Continue reading

STARTS explores the catalytic role of the Arts

The STARTS (Science, Technology and the Arts) Symposium, being held in Brussels on 22-23 June 2015 at BOZAR, is aimed at exploring the catalytic role of the Arts for innovation in business, industry and society and how to foster it. As representative of the Civic Epistemologies consortium Frederik Truyen, Professor at the Faculty of Arts of Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, is attending the event to present the project to the delegates. Continue reading

Cloud Forward 2015 calls for papers!

Authors are invited to submit abstracts for poster and paper presentations related to the Topics of Interest for the Cloud Forward 2015 Conference: From Distributed to Complete Computing. The 2015 edition will take place at the Scuola Normale Superiore in Pisa, Italy, from 6 to 8 October 2015. PAPER/POSTER SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 13/07/2015 Continue reading

Off the Beaten Track. Epigraphy at the Borders

In Bari, from Thursday 24 September to Friday 25 September 2015 the sixth EAGLE international event is being held, under the title “Off the Beaten Track. Epigraphy at the Borders”. Aim of the meeting is to discuss issues and raise questions about encoding inscriptions different from those labelled as standard, even in languages other than Greek and Latin. Organisers intend to address peculiarities that are due to material supports, executing techniques, graphic shapes, non-alphabetical signs and generally visual components relating to the epigraphic texts. Continue reading

DiXiT Convention: submission deadline extended!

The deadline to submit proposals for the DiXiT Convention “TECHNOLOGY, SOFTWARE, STANDARDS FOR THE DIGITAL SCHOLARLY EDITION” has been extended to Thursday the 28th of May 2015. The call for paper is open to everybody (except DiXiT fellows).   The … Continue reading