Topic: past events

First EAGLE International Conference

The First International Conference of the EAGLE project (Europeana network of Ancient Greek and Latin Epigraphy) “Information Technologies for Epigraphy and Digital Cultural Heritage in the Ancient World”, organised with the support of Collège de France Chaire Religion, institutions et société de la Rome antique and École Normale Supérieure, was a great success. Continue reading

PV 2013 Conference

For its seventh edition, the PV 2013 conference will be hosted at ESA-ESRIN in Frascati (a lovely town very close to Rome) to continue addressing prospects in the domain of scientific and technical data preservation together with value adding to these data. Continue reading

iPRES 2014 Conference

The iPRES 2014 Coordinating Committee invites contributions of papers, posters, demonstrations, tutorials and workshops related to the increasingly broad topic of digital preservation. Deadline: 28 March 2014. Continue reading

Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age 2014

The first DiXiT camp took place in Cambridge/London from Sunday, 27 April 2014 – Friday, 2 May 2014. Its programme included the fifth MMSDA course, short for Medieval and Modern Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age. Continue reading

Next RICHES workshop: “Building the project’s foundation”

i2CAT, RICHES’ partner from Barcelona, will organize the first of three thematic workshops aimed at showcasing the outputs of the project research. The workshop is being held on 13 May 2014 and will focus on elaborating a Taxonomy of Terms and Definitions which will support the project’s research. Continue reading

International Conference EuroMed2014

The 5th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference (EuroMed 2014), devoted to Cultural Heritage (CH), is being held on the 3rd-8th of November at the entrance of the ancient Amathus city, by Limassol, in Cyprus island. In particular, this year the conference will focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible CH, on the use of cutting-edge technologies for protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitization, documentation and presentation of the CH content. Continue reading

PREFORMA at the XV Congrés d’Arxivística de Catalunya

On 28-30 May 2015, in Lleida, the XV Archive Congress of Catalonia is being held, aimed at investigating and developing best practice for digital preservation. As PREFORMA Project representative, Bert Lemmens from PACKED is intervening with a speech on “Selecting Formats for Digital Preservation”. Continue reading

BitCurator Digital Forensics workshop

This worskhop, organised by Open Preservation Foundation, is being held in Vienna, at the Austrian Institute of Technology, on 29 May 2015. It offers the opportunity to learn how digital forensics and the use of disk images can support your digital preservation workflows. Participants will get hands-on experience using the BitCurator tools including the latest developments with BitCurator Access. Continue reading

PREFORMA @ Image and Research Conference 2016

The 14th edition of the Image and Research Conference, organized by the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion (CRDI) of the Girona City Council with the collaboration of the Association of Archivists of Catalonia, will be held in Girona on 17-18 November 2016. The day before the Conference, on 16 November 2016, a workshop will be organised by the PREFORMA project. Continue reading

PREFORMA International Conference: Shaping our future memory standards

Following the successful workshops organised in Stockholm, Berlin and Padua, the PREFORMA project invites all the members of the digital preservation community to attend the PREFORMA International Conference – Shaping our future memory standards, which will be held in Tallinn … Continue reading