Topic: past events

Science Gateway Institute Workshop at IEEE Cluster 2013 Conference organises a Science Gateway Institute workshop co-located with IEEE Cluster 2013 Conference. Papers will be co-publishing in a special issue of Concurrency and Computation, Practice and Experience ( together with selected papers presented at the International Workshop on Science Gateways 2013 (‎). Continue reading

Web course on the development of applications for Catania Science Gateways

The goal of the course, organised in 4 webinars, is to create the skills to integrate scientific applications in Science Gateways implemented with the Catania Science Gateway Framework. This will allow the creation of an intercontinental team of deveopers able to respond to requests of integration of specific applications from Virtual Research Communities all around the globe. Continue reading


TERENA and SURFnet has organized the second VAMP workshop on September 30th & October 1st, 2013 in Helsinki, Finland. Goal of VAMP2013 was to foster the deployment of identity management and collaboration tools within the research communities. The organisers invited … Continue reading

Webinar on the DCH-RP e-Culture Science Gateway

The general architecture of the DCH-RP e-Culture Science Gateway (e-CSG) and its web-based and mobile app implementations are the subjects ot this webinar which is organised by the DCH-RP project and also supported by the European Grid Infrastructure. Live demonstrations about how to access and use the e-CSG, both as end-user and repository manager, will be provided. Continue reading

The Catania Science Gateway Framework – EGI/CHAIN-REDS/eI4Africa Webinar

The general architecture of the Catania Science Gateway Framework and some of its implementations are the subjects of this webinar which is jointly organised and supported by CHAIN-REDS, eI4Africa and EGI-InSpire projects. At the webinar attended more than 30 international experts worldwide. Continue reading

Linked Heritage: Seminar on Multilingualism and Terminology

Multilingualism is crucial especially in a European context. The seminar has presented one of the achievement of the Linked Heritage Work Package 3 with the Terminology Management Platform (TMP) and brought together other European and national initiatives creating and developping multilingual terminology resources or tools for managing or reusing them. Continue reading

Linked Heritage plenary meeting in Dublin

The Linked Heritage project (a 30 months Best Practice Network project founded by the EC) now draws to the end of its life and in Dublin the partners will have the possibility to discuss the latest commitments in view of … Continue reading

5th Federated identity management for research communities (FIM4R) Meeting

Federated identity management (FIM) in general and federated identity management for research communities (FIM4R) is an arrangement that can be made among multiple organisations that lets subscribers use the same identification data to obtain access to the secured resources of all organisations in the group. Specifically in the various research communities there is an increased interest in a common approach to FIM as there is obviously a large potential for synergies. Continue reading

EGI Community Forum 2013 in Manchester

Between 8th and 12th of April 2013, and UK NGI, a partnership between GridPP and the National e-Infrastructure Service (NES), hosted the Community Forum 2013. The event, which was hold in Manchester in conjunction with the 3rd EMI Technical Conference, was very successful and provided a great opportunity to reflect upon the growing diversification in usage of the European Grid Infrastructure from across all research disciplines as well as the widening international collaboration that is taking place. Continue reading

2013 Teldap International Conference

Highlighting Retrospect & Prospect as the theme, 2013 TELDAP International Conference was scheduled on March 14-16 at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. In 2008, Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archive Program (TELDAP) was launched to integrate the digital archiving and e-learning projects … Continue reading