Topic: past events

Linked Heritage Fifth Plenary meeting in Italy

On 6, 7 and 8 March, Padua hosted a plenary meeting between the partners of Linked Heritage, the project founded by the European Union in order to increase the quantity and quality of the content provided to Europeana – the great European digital library – from the public and private sectors. Continue reading

Una mostra di Rudy Pessina

(italian language) Mostra fotografica di Rudy Pessina al “Vintage” di Piazza Donati (PISA). Inaugurazione Venerdi 8 Febbraio ore 19. A cura dell’Associazione Culturale Imago. Continue reading

Digital Humanities 2013

At the International Conference, the abstract “An Evaluation of the Involvement of General Users in a Cultural Heritage Collection” submitted by Cultura project has been accepted. The project will attend the meeting to present its results, including posters and short papers. Continue reading

International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2013

The International Symposium on Grids and Clouds (ISGC) 2013 will be held at Academia Sinica in the wonderful scenario of Taipei from 17-22 March 2013, with co-located events and workshops. The conference is hosted by the Academia Sinica Grid Computing … Continue reading

Linked Heritage Third Plenary Meeting and WP Technical meetings

Lisbon hosts the Linked Heritage Third Plenary Meeting and WP Technical meetings. Linked Heritage is a 30 month EU project, started on 1st April 2011. The Plenary represents an interesting and useful meeting to know the state of the art of the project and to plan the activities for the next months. The meeting is organized by Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal). Continue reading

Training Workshop for Site Managers takes “Training for Sustainability Site Management Plan: From Theory to Practice”.

Amman (Jordan) 18-22 November 2012 Training Workshop for Site Managers takes “Training for Sustainability Site Management Plan: From Theory to Practice”. The workshop is for archaeological site managers, those working in the different sites in Jordan and those interested from … Continue reading

Cultural Heritage and Information Technologies. Museum as an information system

The annual conference ADIT that has been held since 1997 is one of the key All-Russian activities on promotion of information technologies among museums and other cultural institutions that facilitates the development of museums and exchange of regional experience. Continue reading