Topic: past events

SPOT H2020 project Final Conference

The final event of project  SPOT ( is organized in Vienna inviting all professionals and scholars of Cultural Tourism in Europe. This project was implemented in 2020-2022 in 13 EU countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italia, the Netherlands, … Continue reading

Digital transformation in the Data Space – symposium

A discussion event and learning opportunity in the morning of 11 November 2022 to explore challenges and opportunities around data collection, and how data can support the digital transformation of cultural heritage institutions. The upcoming Europeana online symposium during the … Continue reading

EOSC European Open Science Cloud symposium

ABOUT THE EOSC SYMPOSIUM Last year, the Council of the European Union defined the specific policy priorities of 2022-2024 for the establishment of the New European Research Area (ERA) as a “researchers-centred, value-based, excellence as well as impact-driven area, in which researchers, … Continue reading

Time Machine conference 2022

The 2022 edition of the annual Time Machine conference is announced as an online event. The detailed programme is currently being mapped. Besides providing on this occasion a detailed overview over the current EU project involvements as well as national … Continue reading

ilide Innovative Library in Digital Era, conference 2022

The aim of the ilide or Innovative Library in Digital Era conferences is to bring subjects fully reflecting its name and present visionary and original ideas based on an extensive experience of the participating experts and institutions. The presentations will … Continue reading

No Time to Wait – conference

The 6th edition of the No Time to Wait conference will be hosted by the Netherlands Institute for Sound & Vision and on October 26th – 28th, 2022 at Sound & Vision’s media museum in The Hague, the Netherlands. … Continue reading

TPDL 26th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries

Over the years TPDL established an important international forum focused on digital libraries and associated technical, practical, and social issues. TPDL encompasses the many meanings of the term “digital libraries”, including new forms of information institutions; operational information systems with … Continue reading

Heritage-led rural regeneration: best practices & participatory processes.

The webinar presents the result of the analysis of the data gathered from 20 Role Models (RM) case studies regarding their successful heritage-led rural regeneration models. For the study and comparison of the narratives of these Role Models two tools … Continue reading

LIBEReFORME – exhibition of artistic books

LIBEReFORME Libri d’artista al Museo della Carta di Pescia This exhibition showcases 18 rare and artistic books from various Italian artists: Marco Bagnoli, Stefania Balocco, Gianluigi Balsebre, Paola Carrara, Sonia Costantini, Fabio Cresci, Andrea Granchi, Riccardo Guarneri, Francesco Landucci, Gianni … Continue reading

WEAVE final conference

The WEAVE project is excited to invite you to our final conference which will explore the connections between tangible and intangible heritage, cultural communities and the process of digital transformation of cultural heritage organisations. The programme will open up with … Continue reading