Topic: computer animation

Video Art Miden: video art online!

Video Art Miden collaborates with the 1st Painting Studio of Athens School of Fine Arts, participating in this year’s academic project under the theme “ARTificial Intelligence“. In this frame, Video Art Miden prepared a special video art program to be viewed by the students of … Continue reading

*/ 16th Athens Digital Arts Festival | Call for Entries “TECHNOTRIBALISM”.

The 16th Athens Digital Arts Festival exploring the endless possibilities of the future, through art, science, and technology, invites you to submit your proposals for its next edition, under the theme “TECHNOTRIBALISM”.   Due to the recent crisis, at the … Continue reading

FILE – Electronic Language International Festival

Text by Caterina Sbrana. When art, aesthetic expression, animation, music, sound effects and sonority meet technology, through a deep artistic research, we are witnessing an incredible reinterpretation of reality. FILE is a non-profit brazilian cultural organization established in the city of … Continue reading

European Research and Innovation Days

The European Research & Innovation Days draft programme is now available! This programme will be updated in the coming weeks and registrations will open in early June. When you register you will receive an automated email acknowledging receipt of your … Continue reading

Machine Vision 2019 – digital exhibition in Paris

Digital artist Miguel Chevalier has a solo exhibition « Machine Vision 2019 » at Galerie Mordoch in Paris, where he is presenting his latest research into the theme of the digitized body, a theme he has been exploring since the 1980s. … Continue reading

Rome Reborn original project and new apps

Rome Reborn Project was an international initiative launched in 1996 with the goal of creating 3D digital models to illustrate the urban development of ancient Rome. According to the advice of the project’s advisory committee, the work of modeling begun … Continue reading

Edinburgh Short Film Festival 2019 Now Open For Entry!

Edinburgh Short Film Festival 2019 Now Open For Entry! Featuring the best short films of 2019 at international film festivals, screening 8 nights of short film at cinemas across Edinburgh in 2019 And Presenting awards and trophies for the best … Continue reading

15th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies / PaCT-2019

Sponsored by Russian Ministry of Education and Science, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Foundation for Basic Research We are glad to announce the 15th International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT-2019). The Conference is to be held in Almaty, Kazakhstan, … Continue reading

VIEW 2019 – call for works is open

#viewconference is glad to announce the official opening of the “VIEW Award 2019”! The short needs to have been made between 1st January 2016 and 15 September 2019. The deadline to submit is the 15th of September. Send it here … Continue reading

CYFEST-12: ID international media art festival

Video Media Art: Personal Identity CYFEST-12: ID premieres December 13th at the renowned Made in NY Media Center BY IFP. The inaugural event will set in motion it’s year-long, multi-city festival; geared towards exhibiting new media work which explores the dynamics … Continue reading