Topic: digital archive

DPF Manager v3.2.1 released and available to download

The new version of DPF Manager is now ready to download from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal! This update solves some bugs that have been posted by the users in the Github issue tracker, and includes some enhancements. In addition, a new repository has been created to collect sample files to be used for testing and validation of the DPF Manager, and all the possible TIFF errors have been defined and classified. Continue reading

File formats for preservation

Riksarkivet (the Swedish National Archive) has been invited to the IS&T conference Archiving 2017 to hold a course about file formats for preservation on the 15th of May. The course will take the form of a workshop with the purpose to concretise the work done in Riksarkivet’s research and development program ArkivE 2.0 by using the tools developed in the PREFORMA project. Continue reading

Workshop on Computer Vision in Digital Humanities @DH2017- Call for Abstracts

*Call for Abstracts* / Computer Vision in Digital Humanities 3rd Workshop on AVinDH, to be held at the Digital Humanities Conference DH2017, Montreal, Canada Date: 7 August 2017 Deadline for Abstracts: 31 May 2017 url:    *Workshop Overview* This full-day … Continue reading

Workshop on the Integration of Heritage Digital Resources

CNRS MAP, together with FORTH-ICS is organising a Workshop on the Integration of Heritage Digital Resources. The aim of the workshop is to introduce the participants to the concept of linked data and to a selection of data curation tools that can be used for … Continue reading

veraPDF 1.4 released and available to download

We are pleased to announce that the new release of veraPDF, the open source file format validator for PDF/A documents, is available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. veraPDF 1.4 has a new GUI wizard for creating custom policy files. Significant performance optimisations have been made to the greenfield PDF parser. Testing and user feedback is key to improving the software. Please download and use the latest release. Continue reading

Workshop on “Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage”

In Madeira it is organised a Workshop on “Advances in Digital Cultural Heritage”, next 28th of June 2017. This Workshop aims to bring together experts, stakeholders, policy makers and leaders from the domain, addressing current challenges in the field and … Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at OPATL in Girona

Sònia Oliveras i Artau from Girona City Council, one of the memory institutions participating as procurers in PREFORMA, presented the PREFORMA project to the Permanent Observatory of Archives and Local Televisions (OPATL) in Girona, a collaboration project started in 2008 with its main aim to preserve the local television heritage at the regions of Catalonia and Andorra. Continue reading

DPF Manager v3.2 released and available to download

DPF Manager, the most advanced TIFF conformance checker for digital preservation, has been updated to version 3.2. This new version, which is now available to download from the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, includes several new features, improvements and some bug fixes. We invite all users interested to check the correctness of their TIFF files to try it, and don’t forget to give us feedback to continue improving the project! Continue reading

PREFORMA Hands-on Sessions

Now that the PREFORMA prototypes are complete and functionally stable, the PREFORMA project is organising a series of hands-on session and training seminars to explain to the participants what does conformance checking mean, why is file format validation so important in long-term digital preservation, how to create their own policy profiles and how to download, install, configure and use the conformance checker to analyse their files. Continue reading

veraPDF policy checking

The veraPDF software is capable of more than just PDF/A validation. It also provides a policy checker capable of carrying out custom PDF document checks beyond the scope of PDF/A validation. In this webinar we’ll be giving a demonstration of the policy checker, providing a brief, non-technical overview of the supporting technologies, helping you to get started, and showing how to report issues and get help. Continue reading