Topic: digital archive

MoU between PREFORMA and Europeana Creative

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects to enable and promote greater re-use of cultural heritage resources by creative industries, starting from the open source tools developed in the framework of PREFORMA PCP and of Europeana Creative. Continue reading

International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) 2015

The International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) is a series of conferences on digital preservation. Since 2004, iPRES conferences have been held on three continents. iPRES 2015 will be held in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA on November 2-6, 2015. It will be held at the William and Ida Friday Center for Continuing Education. Continue reading

RICHES at Europeana Photography Final Conference

Neil Forbes, RICHES Project Coordinator, presented the project during the Final Conference of Europeana Photography, which took place in Leuven on 29-30 January 2015, hosted by CS Digital (KU Leuven) and the Lieven Gevaert Centre for Photography in Campus Library Arenberg. Continue reading

E-Space IPR workshop

Speakers: Sarah Whatley (Coventry University, project’s coordinator), Charlotte Waelde (University of Exeter), Prodromos Tsiavos (Postscriptum), Frederik Temmermans, Peter Schelkens, Ann Dooms (iMinds). A workshop focused on IPR that considers content rights in a non traditional way. Rather than only focussing on different … Continue reading

10th International Digital Curation Conference

The 10th International Digital Curation Conference was held from Monday 9 February to Thursday 12 February 2015 in London. This year’s theme was “Ten years back, ten years forward: achievements, lessons and the future for digital curation”. Continue reading

E-Space thematic workshops 2015

Important appointments organized by Europeana Space project in March 2015! The objective of Europeana Space is to increase and enhance the creative industries’ safe use of digital cultural content available in online repositories, by delivering a range of resources to … Continue reading

Joint cooperation between PREFORMA and APARSEN

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two EU funded projects to look for new possibilities and funding to exploit the results of the two projects in joint initiatives, at European and national level, around the theme of digital preservation. Continue reading

MeLa final event: Envisioning 21st Century Museums

In adopting the concept of “migration” as paradigm of modernity, the MeLa project investigated the role of museums within the contemporary socio-cultural context, in order to identify new practises, tools and ways of representation and consumption able to foster an updated idea of museum, as space for dialogue and social cohesion in a transcultural Europe. This event was aimed at providing a critical overview on the main findings ensuing from the project’s investigations and a forward-looking discussion about the future of European museums. Continue reading

Europeana Photography – Bratislava plenary meeting

Focus of the plenary was the finalization of the +430.000 metadata of early photographs to be provided to, the European digital library where the images digitizited by the project will be retrievable and accessible to everybody, and the organization of the final conference of the project, which will be joint to the opening of a new edition of the exhibition All Our Yesterdays, with a very special Belgian flavour that was added to the original format of the exhibition (held in Pisa in April-June 2014 for the first time) thanks to the cooperation with the Leuven City Archive. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at the Belgian Federal Scientific Institutions

Erik Buelinckx from the Royal Institute for Cultural Heritage presented the project at the monthly meeting of the follow-up committee of the Belgian Federal Policy digitisation program. Continue reading