Topic: digital archive

Europeana Photography Seminar – Software for managing digital collections

Organized by CRDI – Centre de Recerca i Difusió de la Imatge (Ajuntament de Girona) and GenCat – Generalitat de Catalunya (Department de Cultura), a seminar in the framework of EuropeanaPhotography project has take place in Barcelona (29th January 2014), at the premises of Palau Moja, Carrer … Continue reading

PREFORMA @ Euromed International Conference 2014

PREFORMA will participate the workshop “The Digitization Age: Mass Culture is Quality Culture. Challenges for Cultural Heritage and Society”, organised by Promoter Srl, with a presentation of its objectives and expected outcomes. Continue reading

DLM Forum 2014 – Making the Information Governance Landscape in Europe

The DLM Forum will hold its 7th triennial conference in Lisbon from 12 to 14 November 2014. Sessions will focus on the latest challenges and innovation in Information Governance. Continue reading

Preservathon: Select the best services and tools for your audiovisual digitisation project

This Preservathon is made possible by the Presto4U project. The first day will be a hands-on workshop where teams will learn what is involved in selecting the best long-term audiovisual digitisation solution. The second day will host a mini-conference. Continue reading

Succeed Final Conference

PREFORMA project will participate with a poster to the conference “Succeed in digitisation. Spreading excellence”, organised by the Succeed project on November 28th, 2014 at Bibliothèque nationale de France. Continue reading

RICHES International Conference

PREFORMA project will participate to the digital poster exhibition at the International Conference organised by the RICHES project on December 4th and 5th in Pisa, entitled Cultural Heritage: Recalibrating Relationships. Continue reading

PREFORMA @ IRCDL 2015 Conference

The Italian Research Conference on Digital Libraries provides a great opportunity for researchers in the field of Digital Libraries to present and discuss their current research activities and to envision together further developments. A paper about PREFORMA will be presented by the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Padua. Continue reading

Europeana Tech Conference 2015

This event will bring together application developers, information professionals, technology researchers and decision makers in the cultural domain to explore current technical challenges around digitisation and re-use of cultural content, learn about new developments and establish future collaborations. Continue reading

PREFORMA at the XV Congrés d’Arxivística de Catalunya

On 28-30 May 2015, in Lleida, the XV Archive Congress of Catalonia is being held, aimed at investigating and developing best practice for digital preservation. As PREFORMA Project representative, Bert Lemmens from PACKED is intervening with a speech on “Selecting Formats for Digital Preservation”. Continue reading

BitCurator Digital Forensics workshop

This worskhop, organised by Open Preservation Foundation, is being held in Vienna, at the Austrian Institute of Technology, on 29 May 2015. It offers the opportunity to learn how digital forensics and the use of disk images can support your digital preservation workflows. Participants will get hands-on experience using the BitCurator tools including the latest developments with BitCurator Access. Continue reading