Topic: digital preservation

Digital collections from the Library of Congress, Washington

text by Caterina Sbrana Images of birds, American Revolution, historic sites, hats, libraries, shoes, tennis, horses, cars  etc. are just a small example of the digital collections of the Library of Congress in Washington, DC 20540, U.S., that are free … Continue reading

Presenting INCULTUM in workshop “Smart Governance in local municipalities”

Original text by Kamila Borseková, UMB. The international workshop on Smart Governance in local municipalities – Innovative approaches to city and municipality management was organized as a hybrid event on 23.11.2021 at the Faculty of Economics of Matej Bel University, … Continue reading

Interactive map accessible on the Morvan Regional Natural Park website

original text and images by BIBRACTE. As a preliminary action for the promotion of the area of Morvan, a methodology was developed and a pilot case in the village of Glux-en-Glenne was conducted to carry out the field work.  This … Continue reading

EVA Florence 2022

EVA FLORENCE, the annual event in Firenze of the EVA series. Electronic Imaging and the Visual Arts Conference, Training and Workshops Palazzo del Pegaso, Regional Council of Tuscany, Florence 6th June 2022 Who Should Attend: – The Cultural Sector – … Continue reading

European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry ECQI 2022

The congress theme of the 5th edition of the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is “Qualitative Inquiry in the online technological realm“. Organized by KU Leuven, this edition was a virtual event with a large programme of keynotes, presentations, workshops … Continue reading

Florence Heri-Tech 2022

Florence Heri-Tech was launched in 2018 by the Department of Industrial Engineering of University of Florence (DIEF) and Florence Biennial Art and Restoration Fair. The idea is to create a synergy between Cultural Heritage and New Technologies. The Conference involves … Continue reading

Presenting INCULTUM in Environmental Volunteering Meeting

images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez. A conference entitled “Encuentro de Voluntariado Ambiental” was organized on 18-19 December in the Sierra de Huétor Natural Park, where the multiple possibilities and scenarios that this natural space offers for volunteering were highlighted … Continue reading

Fieldwork for INCULTUM Pilot 1 on Altiplano de Granada

One of the Pilots of project INCULTUM is set in the stunning landscape of the Altiplano de Granada. It is a flat semi-arid area with poor soils and an extreme climate due to its altitude, continental influence and the presence … Continue reading

WEAVE goes to ILUCIDARE Playground

ILUCIDARE is a European funded project which promotes heritage as a resource of innovation and international cooperation. Its ambitions are to establish an international network promoting heritage and contributing to the overall objectives of the EU strategy for international cultural … Continue reading

Open consultation sessions on Digital Transformation

Do you want to help shape the thinking on how the cultural sector embraces Digital Transformation? Do you have your own views about the challenges and opportunities digital brings? Can you help us shape our plan of action?  We would … Continue reading