Topic: digital preservation

New-York Historical Society: 8000 sheets digitised

by Caterina Sbrana. In my latest article I have been talking about the digital collection of the New-York Historical Society. During my research I was really captivated by a collection containing over 8,000 sheets, collected since 1816, that you can … Continue reading

The New-York Historical Society. Ongoing challenges and record.

Text by Caterina Sbrana. This is my third report from New York, specifically from Central Park where the New-York Historical Society is based. In New York I visited other museums, such as 9/11 Memorial & Museum and MOMA and after … Continue reading

Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage – DiPP2019

The Ninth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage–DiPP2019 will be organized under the patronage of UNESCO and Burgas District Administration. It aims at presenting innovative results, research projects and applications in the field of … Continue reading

Historical Soundscapes: listen to Andalusian cities’s voices

This project was originally conceived by Juan Ruiz Jimenez, PhD from Granada University, with the aim of exploring historical urban soundscapes in Andalusian cities, aided by the outreach potential made possible through new technologies. Throughout the digital platform Historical soundscapes … Continue reading

EuropeanaTech and Pelagios, together for Linked Open Data

The current issue of EuropeanaTech Insight newsletter is solely dedicated to the Pelagios community and was done in close collaboration with the Pelagios team. Pelagios is a community and infrastructure for Linked Open Geodata in the Humanities, which means that … Continue reading

LeVERAGE ICTs for Tourism

Image by: Rufino Emmenegger, Copyright: Foundation Pro Monastery of St. John. LeVERAGE ICTs for Tourism – Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism for preserving LiVing hERitAGE August 24-31, 2019 – Lugano & Müstair, Switzerland The 2019 Summer School of the UNESCO chair … Continue reading

NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY: 180,000 digital items in the public domain

Text and photos by Caterina Sbrana. Dear readers, this is the second report I realized on my trip to New York following the one on 9/11 Museum& Memorial, and it regards the system created by the New York Public Library … Continue reading

New York, 9/11 MEMORIAL: when digital technology saves our memory

Text and photos by Caterina Sbrana. Dear readers, I recently started my work at DigitalMeetsCulture, because I am very interested in art and cultural heritage, and also in the relationship between art and digital technologies. I was in New York … Continue reading


The Open Preservation Foundation will be running two online hack weeks during 2019. The first, which will take place on 8-12 April, will focus on development. A second hack week will take place in September, with a goal to update … Continue reading

EVA 2019 Saint Petersburg: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts

We invite you to take part in the International Conference EVA 2019 SAINT PETERSBURG: Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (, which will take place 20 – 21 June 2019 at the ITMO University (Lomonosov Street, bld 9, Saint Petersburg, … Continue reading