Topic: digital preservation

Shaping Access! – More Responsibility for Cultural Heritage

Shaping Access! – More Responsibility for Cultural Heritage 6th International Conference 17 & 18 November 2016 at Hamburger Bahnhof – Museum für Gegenwart – Berlin The digitization of Cultural Heritage has made great progress in recent years. However the rapid … Continue reading

Mediainfo, MediaConch and FFmpeg in the preservation of digital video

During late July 2016, Dave Rice and Ashley Blewer delivered two workshops at Tate Britain in London on the use of Mediainfo, MediaConch and FFmpeg in the preservation of digital video. Have a look at the blog post published by Ana Ribeiro on PERICLES Blog which reports on the result of these workshops. Continue reading

EuroMed 2016: one of the milestone events on Cultural Heritage research

The European Mediterranean Conferences (EuroMed) is a biannual event organized by Digital Heritage Research Lab of Cyprus University of Technology (CUT) and has become a regular worldwide milestone on Cultural Heritage interdisciplinary research. EuroMed Conference is focused on conservation, massive … Continue reading


Here is the report of the workshop that the PREFORMA team organised at iPRES 2016 to dive into the larger narrative of the project, show the three different tools in development, detail the main standardisation strands and get a conversation started between potential users of the tools with the people who are hard at work making them happen. Continue reading

veraPDF 0.24 released

The latest version of veraPDF is now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal. Version 0.24 includes a prototype of batch validation in both the CLI and GUI and other new enhancements (conformance checker, application enhancements and code quality). veraPDF team will demonstrate the software at the PREFORMA Experience workshop in Berlin on 23 November 2016, don’t miss this opportunity to meet them! Continue reading

Presentations and videos of the webinars available online

The presentation and video recordings of the webinars organised by the PREFORMA project throughout September are now available online. The webinars introduced the PREFORMA project, updated participants on the current status of the conformance checkers, demonstrated the software, outlined future plans, and gave examples of how the community can contribute, or provide feedback. Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #8 – Oct. 2016

What’s new in MediaConch 16.09, the latest release of the conformance checker for audiovisual files now available to download on the PREFORMA Open Source Portal, the next appointments where you can meet team (among which IPRES 2016 and the PREFORMA Experience Workshop in Berlin) and much more on this October release of the MediaConch newsletter. Continue reading

DPF Manager – NEW Release 2.6

DPF Manager version 2.6 is now available to download in the Open Source Portal. The new release contains new features which have been proposed by users in the issue tracker, so don’t hesitate to contact us for any improvement or suggestion. We will consider them all and probably incorporate them in next releases. You can also meet us in person at IPRES 2016 and at the PREFORMA Experience Workshop in Berlin. Continue reading

Upcycle Digital Heritage – workshop in Derry

Over the past decades much effort has gone into the digitisation of our rich and varied cultural heritage, producing vast amounts of high quality digital data, ranging from images, video, sound and 3D. However, this valuable resource is not being … Continue reading

Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG) conference

The Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group (PASIG), among the preeminent international conferences on Digital Preservation, is coming to NYC. PASIG is a place to learn from each other’s practical experiences, success stories, and challenges in practicing digital preservation. Join us at the Museum of Modern Art this Fall as the international digital preservation community gathers for three days of exchange and sharing. Continue reading