Topic: digital preservation

Open Source Workshop: presentations now online!

Sweden’s majestic Royal Library Kungliga Biblioteket welcomed more than a hundred heritage professionals for the first public PREFORMA event, the Open Source Preservation Workshop – Serving the Cultural Heritage. All presentations are now available for download on the event website. Continue reading

Who’s Using What: PREFORMA Project

For this edition of Who’s Using What, Gregory Markus looks towards the digital preservation challenges that GLAMs face. He interviewed two developers from the PREFORMA Project: Xavi Tarres from Easy Innova (who is working on DPF Manager, the conformance checker for TIFF images) and Jérôme Martinez from MediaArea (who is working on MediaConch, the conformance checker for MKV/FFv1 audiovisual files). Continue reading

MediaConch Newsletter #4 – April 2016

MediaArea Team released version 16.03 of MediaConch, the open source conformance checker for audiovisual files. Among the latest updates, it now supports plugins including VeraPDF and DPFManager, the other two PREFORMA conformance checkers for electronic documents and still images. The Online MediaConch GUI enables accessibility across platforms. Continue reading

Future Technologies Conference 2016 – FTC 2016

About the Conference FTC attracts researchers, scientists and technologists from some of the top companies, universities, research firms and government agencies from around the world. Join us for FTC 2016, the world’s pre-eminent forum for reporting technological breakthroughs in the … Continue reading

Repurpose, Experience, Taste and Rethink Culture, event to present the WITH platform

by Vassilis Tzouvaras (NTUA) The workshop «Repurpose, Experience, Taste and Rethink Culture», was held on March 22, 2016 at INNOVATHENS, Technopolis, City of Athens. The workshop was organized by the National Technical University of Athens and with the support of PostScriptum. … Continue reading

Cloud Forward Conference 2016

Registration is now open to attend Cloud Forward 2016. The conference, organised under the auspices of AMETIC, CDTI, Chamber of Commerce, EGI, Madrid+d, UNED and IEEE Cloud Computing Magazine, will take place in Madrid at the Circulo de Bellas Artes from 18 to 20 October 2016. Continue reading

“Digital Scholarly Editions as Interfaces” International symposium

The symposium will discuss the relationship between digital scholarly editing and interfaces by bringing together experts of DSEs and Interface Design, editors and users of editions, web designers and developers. Continue reading

IASCC Conference 2016 – Heritage in Transition: Scenes of Urban Innovation

This Conference is hosted by The Culture of Cities Centre and will convene on July 27-29th, 2016 at The Cultural Center in Ermoupolis, on the island of Syros in Greece. It is held in collaboration with York University, St. Jerome’s … Continue reading

Collecting and Conserving Performance Art, symposium

The German Association of Conservator-Restorers (VDR) is delighted to announce the major international symposium “Collecting and Conserving Performance Art” to be hosted by the Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg in Germany on June 9-11, 2016. The two-and-a-half day event approaches issues surrounding the … Continue reading

veraPDF 0.12 released alongside first version of wiki validation rules

veraPF’s latest software is now available for download in the Open Source Portal. The veraPDF validation engine implements the PDF/A specification using formalisations of each requirement in PDF/A-1, PDF/A-2 and PDF/A-3. The wiki determines each rule used by the software and provides details on the error(s) triggering a failure of the rule. Continue reading