Topic: digital preservation

The CINES and its archiving platform PAC

“PAC” (Plateforme d’Archivage) is an archiving platform specifically focused on long-term digital preservation developed by the Centre Informatique National de l’Enseignement Supérieur. Continue reading

New MoU signed between PREFORMA and NCDD

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the two projects for the promotion and presentation of the respective results aimed to foster access, preservation and usability in the long term of digital cultural and scientific information to support research, culture and society. Continue reading

Towards “Cooltura”, the TAG CLOUD platform and app

The TAG CLOUD project was launched to investigate how to enable cultural engagement by using cloud-based technologies that leverage adaptability and personalisation of created Cultural Heritage content, aiming at supporting deeper engagement and learning over time. Following a User-Cantered Design … Continue reading


Mauro Fazio from the Italian Ministry of Economic Development MISE, Civic Epistemologies Project Coordinator, presented the project at the workshop “The Digitization Age: Mass Culture is Quality Culture. Challenges for Cultural Heritage and Society”, organised by Promoter Srl in the framework of the EUROMED 2014 Conference in Limassol, Cyprus. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at EUROMED 2014

Peter Pharow, PREFORMA Design Phase Leader, presented the project and the main challenges of the design phase at the workshop “The Digitization Age: Mass Culture is Quality Culture. Challenges for Cultural Heritage and Society”, organised by Promoter Srl in the framework of the EUROMED 2014 Conference in Limassol, Cyprus. Continue reading

Workshop on co-creation, distributed performances and alternative content for the big screen

This workshop, co-organised by the Foundation i2CAT, the Government of Catalonia and the Theatre Institute of Barcelona,examined the gradual adoption of technological environments in the performing arts and how the expanding of bandwidth have given rise to new forms of creative expression, space for experimentation and new business models for performing arts, reaching other spaces such as movie screens and cultural institutions with the distribution of high-definition content. Sarah Whatley, dance professor and director of the Centre for Dance Research (C-Dare) at Coventry University intervened as speaker in representation of the European project RICHES. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – October 2014

In this issue: find out about EUDAT’s work on policy and sustainability, our roving reporter interviews Massimo Cocco about EUDAT’s partnership with EPOS and we introduce B2DROP, a sync-and-exchange service for all. Continue reading

Results of the PREFORMA CfT published!

Here are the names of the suppliers who have been awarded a contract with PREFORMA to develop an open-source toolset for conformance checking of digital files (texts, images and AV), intended for long-term preservation in memory institutions. Continue reading

StoM project is semantic technology at your service!

StoM project commenced on 1st May 2014 and is carried out by a strong consortium committed to develop a commercial pathway for software-as-a-service solutions. Consortium members are leaders in ICT (NET7, IN2, SpazioDati) and business development (Techin and Innova). The services to be developed for commercialisation are based upon a previous research programme successfully conducted in the SemLib project. The aim is to apply semantic annotation and semantic recommendation solutions in two platforms: EventPlace and PunditBrain. Continue reading

TEATRÁLNY SVET / THE THEATRICAL WORLD 1839-1939 – exhibition in Bratislava

Europeana Photography partner Divadelny Ustav is organizer of a great exhibition on the theatrical world, witnessed through + 400 beautiful old photographs. Opening Thursday 6th November 2014. The exhibtion is part of the Slovak Month of Photography initiatives. Continue reading