Topic: digital preservation

Cooperation Agreement bewteen DCH-RP and SCIDIP-ES

The Cooperation Agreement that has been signed between SCIDIP-ES and DCH-RP mainly concernes the collaboration and exchange of tools and services for digital preservation of – in this case – cultural assets. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at DCH-RP Final Conference

PREFORMA project has been presented during a workshop organised by DCH-RP (Digital Cultural Heritage – Roadmap for Preservation) on 22 September 2014 at the National Central Library of Rome, under the umbrella of the Italian EU Presidency. Continue reading

Preservation as an e-infrastructure service: a Roadmap for digital cultural heritage

The main objective of the workshop, organised at the National Central Library of Rome under the umbrella of the Italian EU Presidency, has been to provide an overview of the main outcomes achieved by the DCH-RP project, focusing on the Roadmap for Preservation of Digital Cultural Heritage and on the potential role of e-infrastructure in the preservation of DCH. Continue reading

Historical illustrations of digitized books available on Flickr

The digitization activity of libraries focuses on text, rather than on images, and makes the book pages available as PDF or text searchable works, while the illustrations are difficult to be search and found. This project recovers those parts of the page which include images: the images are cropped, cleaned up, and uploaded to Flickr along with the text that appears next to them, detailed description and searchable tags. Continue reading

Safeguarding our Scientific, Educational and Cultural Heritage

A joint Preservation Workshop at the RDA Plenary where attendees can provide their views and requirements to four major initiatives, APARSEN, SCIDIP-ES, EUDAT and DPHEP, which are evolving beyond the end of their respective EU-funded projects, and will continue to help organisations to manage and preserve research data. Continue reading

APA Conference – Launch of the Centre of Excellence

The 2014 APA conference launches the APA Centre of Excellence (CoE). The conference is organised around examples from members showing how they have tackled and overcome their preservation problems. The examples are further grouped around the integrated view of digital preservation which APARSEN has brought together. Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – September 2014

In this issue of the EUDAT news bulletin we bring you the latest updates about the EUDAT conference, which takes place at De Meervaart Conference Centre, Amsterdam from 24-25 September, as well as information about an exclusive EUDAT training session on 30 September, co-located with ISC Big Data 2014. Continue reading

PREFORMA presented at JCDL/TPDL 2014

PREFORMA project has been hosted in the DCH-RP stall at the workshop on digital preservation sustainability on the EU policy level organised in London in the frame of the JCLD/TPDL 2014 Conference. Continue reading

News from WAAG’s blog by Janine Prins

Janine Prins of WAAG Society retraces her experience as anthropologist and announces the RICHES co-creation sessions. Continue reading

Italy is culture: cultural institutes for economic development

On 25-26 September, in Turin, at Einaudi Campus it will be held the national conference “Italy is Culture” organised by AICI (Association of Italian Cultural Institutions). The conference aims to give a strong signal about the potential of Italian culture and cultural institutions, which are undergoing a positive process of transformation and renewal: Italian culture has a strong vocation to social and technological innovation, to communicational experimentation, to internationalisation. Continue reading