Topic: digital preservation

Long-term sustainability through OSS implementations of open file formats

This article gives some motivation for why open file formats are important to the EU and why open file formats and Open Source implementations are important for long-term sustainability.
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Tools for uncovering preservation risks in large repositories

This webminar aims to demonstrate how to identify preservation risks in your content and, at the same time, share your content profile information with others to open new opportunities. There are 23 places available which will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis. Continue reading

IDE launches Review Journal for Digital Editions

Despite these facts, digital editions are often neglected by the established review institutions. This neglect has a number of consequences: digital editions are somewhat outside the established peer-control process; digital editors in spe cannot rely on criticisms that projects similar to their… Continue reading

Digital Preservation at Cultural Heritage Institutions in Sweden

Digisam has carried out a pilot study on long-term digital preservation to examine the current state of storage and preservation at cultural heritage authorities and to compare it with the current “state of the art”. Continue reading

A digital archive about dance: the Siobhan Davies RePlay

Many of the objects within the archive collection have been sourced directly from Davies and her collaborators’ personal collections, whilst other items have been kindly lent by institutions and private contributors. Almost all of these objects that would otherwise remain inaccessible and unavailable appear online for the first time, and in many cases represent the first time objects have been viewed by anyone since their original date of creation. Continue reading

Europeana Photography workshop about Orphan Works

Valuable experts were invited for discussing different themes and for driving question and answer sessions. The participants were from the project consortium and also from other organizations such as the National Archives and the National Museum of Denmark, the Danish Film Institute and LFF Foundation. Arbejdermuseet is one of the partners of Europeana Photography project, providing 25.000 digitized photos that witness the conditions and everyday life of the workers’ and the labour movement’s history. Continue reading

PREFORMA Call for Tender published on!

The PREFORMA project informs that the call for tender has been published. Suppliers who want to prepare a proposal can find all the related information and documents in the Tender section of the PREFORMA website. Deadline for submission is August 12th, 2014. Continue reading

What will be remembered about us?

To commemorate the International Archives Day, the Municipal Archive of Girona and the Centre for Image Research and Diffusion of Girona’s City Council have made available to citizens a resource for the preservation of their personal archives. Continue reading