Topic: digital preservation

EGI2023 conference in Poland

At this year’s annual EGI conference, that will take place in Poznań (Poland), international scientific communities, computing and service providers, European projects, security experts, community managers, and policy makers gather to take research and innovation in data-intensive processing and analytics … Continue reading

European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage Information & Matchmaking Day

The European Commission – DG Research & Innovation invites all stakeholders in the cltural heritage sector in a virtual event  Tuesday 28 March 2023 focused on the current calls for a European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage (ECCCH). With an … Continue reading

Training students in the creation of a visual identity for the local cultural heritage

Matej Bel University is coordinating an impressive action for territorial and tourist promotion in the INCULTUM Pilot 3 Mining Treasures of Central Slovakia in the region which has significant cultural and technical heritage related to its mining history. As part … Continue reading

What do young generations think of digital museums?

Research project of MA students in the Museums in Context course at the Erasmus University Rotterdam, MA Cultural Economics led by professor Trilce Navarrete. Authors: Sara Ingoglia, Aline Albertelli, and Cas de Boorder   All images courtesy of the authors. … Continue reading

A Cloud for All – the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage

The European Commission – DG Research & Innovation invites all stakeholders in the cltural heritage sector in a virtual event ‘A Cloud for all – the European Collaborative Cloud for Cultural Heritage’ that will take place on Wednesday 15 March … Continue reading

Public-private stakeholder meeting in Calatafimi, Sicily

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily is coordinated by the GAL Elimos, and is organizing a cycle of meetings dedicated to discuss the development of itineraries and other actions that aim to enhance the heritage locations and operators in the … Continue reading

Archiving 2023 conference

The 2023 edition of Archiving conference is going to be held in Oslo from 19th to 23rd June 2023, at NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology, with the aim of bringing together an international community of technical experts, managers, … Continue reading

INCULTUM Pilot: meeting in Castril with the Town Hall and the Irrigators’ Community

text and images courtesy of Elena Correa Jiménez (University of Granada). INCULTUM Pilot in Granada is coordinated by the Biocultural Archaeology Laboratory (MEMOLab), led by Professor Dr. José María Martín Civantos, from the Department of Medieval History and CCTTHH of … Continue reading

Recovering train routes and linking trails in the Sicilian Inland

The INCULTUM Pilot set in Sicily is coordinated by the GAL Elimos, and is focused on establishing collaborations with local municipalities in the Trapani province, specifically Calatafimi-Segesta, Custonaci and Buseto Palizzolo. One of the scopes is to develop territorial promotion … Continue reading

2022 review and 2023 outlook for Bibracte pilot project at the General Assembly of the Grand Site de France Bibracte – Morvan des Sommets

Text Flore Coppin, picture courtesy of Bibracte. On 14 December 2022, Bibracte organised the end-of-year meeting of the 12 village communities involved in the Grand Site de France label. More than 30 participants attended this meeting in the village of … Continue reading