Topic: digital preservation

Keynote talk about PREFORMA @ DiPP2015

Antonella Fresa, PREFORMA Technical Coordinator, has been invited by the organisers of the Fifth International Conference on Digital Presentation and Preservation of Cultural and Scientific Heritage to present a keynote talk on the experience in the PREFORMA project Continue reading

PREFORMA @ Digital Heritage 2015

“From digitization to preservation, creative re-use of digital cultural content, and citizen participation” is the tile of the DH2015 Panel which will feature PREFORMA together with other EU projects, fostering a debate to understand the path towards a more advanced society, that makes use of the full potential of digital technologies to foster cultural and societal progress. Continue reading

IASA 2015 Annual Conference

‘All for One – One for All: Common Concerns – Shared Solutions’ is the title of the IASA 2015 Conference, organised in Paris by the International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives. The paper “MediaConch: An open source audiovisual file conformance checker” has been accepted and will be presented by MediaArea. Continue reading

FIAT/IFTA conference

The 2015 FIAT/IFTA World Conference – Audiovisual Culture, a bridge to the future – will take place in Vienna from October 7 until October 10. This year’s conference will provide a unique occasion in which archives can discuss & learn about the many challenges and innovations for archives in their quest towards the future. Continue reading

12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

On November 6th, ArchivesSpace, University of Michigan, University of North Carolina, Educopia Institute and Internet Archive are running a workshop called “Using Open-Source Tools to Fulfill Digital Preservation Requirements”. The workshop offers a space to talk about open-source software for digital preservation, and the particular challenges of developing systems and integrating them into local environments and workflows. Continue reading

AMIA 2015 Conference

The annual AMIA Conference is the largest gathering of motion picture and recorded sound archivists and interested professionals, involving every year more than 550 attendees from the world’s major media, library, university, military and other institutions. The paper “Validate Your Digital Assets: PREFORMA, MediaConch and File Compliance” has been accepted and will be presented by MediaArea and NISV. Continue reading

EUscreenXL Final International Conference

Content in Motion: Curating Europe’s Audiovisual Heritage is the second and final international conference organised by EUscreenXL. During two eventful days the EUscreen network will involve archivists, curators, broadcasters and researchers to discuss the benefits and challenges arising from the openness of archives and collections in the digital age. Continue reading

11th International Digital Curation Conference

The 11th International Digital Curation Conference (IDCC16), “Visible data, invisible infrastructure”, will be held in Amsterdam at the Mövenpick Hotel Amsterdam City Centre. There will be a programme of workshops on Monday 22 February and Thursday 25 February and the main conference will run from Tuesday 23 to Wednesday 24 February 2016. Continue reading

JTS Joint Technical Symposium

Under the auspices of UNESCO, the CCAAA (Coordinating Council of Audiovisual Archives Associations) organises the Joint Technical Symposium (JTS), an international gathering for all specialists of the audio-visual, cinema and sound heritage. Organized for the first time in 1983, JTS is the international meeting for organisations and individuals involved in the preservation and restoration of original image and sound materials. Continue reading

PASIG 2016 Conference

The next PASIG (Preservation and Archiving Special Interest Group) conference, which will be held in Prague in March 2016, represents a great opportunity for organisations setting up preservation repositories to collaborate and work directly with leaders in the field. A veraPDF workshop will be organised in the morning of the first day and the PREFORMA project will be presented on the second day the conference. Continue reading