Topic: digital preservation

An African e-Infrastructure for Virtual Research Communities and their Applications

A joint CHAIN-REDS and eI4Africa Workshop was organised under the aegis of the European Commission and in co-location with big event UbuntuNet Connect 2013. The event took place on November 13 in Kigali, Rwanda Continue reading

Open e-IRG Workshop to discuss Infrastructures and e-Infrastructures

The main themes about “Infrastructures in the Digital Age: the Data Challenge” and “e-Infrastructure commons” were discussed in two tracks, including speeches by very important and international experts. The workshop organized by e-IRG was held under the Lithuanian EU Presidency of the European Union. Continue reading

NALIS celebrates the 125th anniversary of the Sofia University

This year, the General Meeting of the NALIS Foundation is joined to the celebrations of the 125th anniversary of the Sofia University, and includes an important workshop: “Undisclosed Treasures from the Photo-archives”. Following the workshop there will be the official opening of an exhibition: “Treasures among the Donations to Library “Theology” of the Sofia University “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Continue reading

Current Practices and New Directions in Digital Epigraphy

This event was aimed at anyone interested in epigraphy (digital or non-digital) as well as to the establishment and diffusion of general best current practices for digital editions. It covered many aspects of digital technology applied to inscriptions, from content to management and networking. It was composed of 3 workshops (Harmonization and interoperability of Inscriptions, Translations of Inscriptions, Intellectual Property Rights) and a photographic workshop on shooting high quality images for online publication and research. Continue reading

Adaptive, personalised ICT to make new sense of the past

Navigation may not be very simple when dealing with wide digital collections, and researchers often are forced into a laborious and time-consuming process of decrypting texts and correlating names, concepts and dates to create an understandable overall picture. CULTURA project provides a ICT based solution that allows more effective and easier research and nattarive. Continue reading

The digital cultural heritage towards Horizon 2020

The event was divided in two sessions; the first one was dedicated to the policy, highlighting the decisions by Italian Government and Parliament related to the central role of culture for the economic recovery in Italy, and also in Europe. The second session was dedicated to the digital content Aggregators and to the research infrastructures in the sector of SSH (Social Science and Humanities) and cultural heritage, to share objectives and to develop a common, operative roadmap for digitization. Continue reading

Archives and libraries to discuss management software

A round table on the theme “OPEN (RE)SOURCE, valorizing e integrating the cultural heritage” has been held in Turin, organized by the heritage agency Promemoria in collaboration with Teatro Regio Torino. The event saw the participation and speeches by many … Continue reading

Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructures for Scientific Data in Europe

The goal of this study, prepared for the European Commission, is to evaluate the feasibility of delivering an integrated Authentication and Authorisation Infrastructure to help the emergence of a robust platform for access to and preservation of scientific information within a Scientific Data Infrastructure. Continue reading

All roads lead to Rome

The 3-day EUDAT conference, 28-30 October 2013 – Rome, Italy, addresses new data challenges – the case for cross-disciplinary science and services – in view of the EC’s forthcoming Horizon 2020 programme. International e-infrastructure cooperation and collaboration benefits are high on the agenda, with a particular focus on the recently launched RDA. The community-driven initiatives collaborating with EUDAT will also take an active role in the interactive discussions through associated workshops taking EUDAT synergies to new levels. Continue reading