Topic: e-learning

DiXiT project launched

DiXiT offers a coordinated training and research programme for 12 early stage researchers and 5 experienced researchers in the multi-disciplinary skills, technologies, theories, and methods of digital scholarly editing. The consortium is composed by important universities as full partners, coordinated by University of Cologne, plus associated partners that provide valuable scientists in charge. Continue reading

Linked Heritage training programme

The Learning Objects, developed in the frame of Linked Heritage, range from Europeana to aggregation, metadata standards, linked data, terminology, etc.) and address an identified shortage of awareness of these important topics. Continue reading

Web course on the development of applications for Catania Science Gateways

The goal of the course, organised in 4 webinars, is to create the skills to integrate scientific applications in Science Gateways implemented with the Catania Science Gateway Framework. This will allow the creation of an intercontinental team of deveopers able to respond to requests of integration of specific applications from Virtual Research Communities all around the globe. Continue reading

Dr. Irene Pivetti (Chairmain of Only Italia) with Prof.Vito Cappellini (Florence University) (c) Promoter srl archive
Electronic Imaging & the Visual Arts (EVA) @ Florence 2013

Florence hosted an international event that includes a Conference, Workshops, Meetings & an Exhibition. The Electronic Information, the Visual Arts and Beyond (EVA Conferences) are a series of international interdisciplinary conferences mainly in Europe, but also elsewhere in the world, for people interested in the application of information technology to the cultural and especially the visual arts field. Continue reading

India for digital preservation

DESIDOC Journal of Library & Information Technology, in July dedicated a special issue about Digital Preservation. The Journal endeavours to bring recent developments in information technology, as applicable to library and information science, to the notice of librarians, documentation and information professionals, students and others interested in the field. Continue reading

KU Leuven: ancient tradition and modern technologies

Founded in 1425, KU Leuven bears the double honor of being the oldest existing Catholic university in the world and the oldest university in the Low Countries. KU Leuven combines a rich tradition with top research & technology. There are more than 38.000 students, about 2000 academic staff and more than 4000 junior researchers. Continue reading