Topic: e-learning

Linked Open Data in Libraries Archives and Museums 2017 Summit

The Fourth International Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums (LODLAM) summit will be held in Venice, Italy, at the Fondazione Cini June 28-29 , 2017. LODLAM stands for Linked Open Data in Libraries, Archives and Museums. Linked data is a … Continue reading

EAGLE MediaWiki – vote now!

EAGLE project and network aims to build a multi-lingual online collection inscriptions from the Greek and Roman World. The aim of the network is to make available the vast majority of the surviving inscriptions of the Greco-Roman world, complete with … Continue reading

E-Space MOOC: a successful first run

by Clarissa Colangelo, KU Leuven. Article originally appeared on the E-Space Photography Pilot Blog. photo courtesy KU Leuven On January 10th 2017 the MOOC “Europeana Space: Creative with Digital Heritage” ended. With almost 1000 enrolled learners from 90 different countries … Continue reading

15th KUI Conference “Culture and Computer Science”

The 15th edition of the ”Culture and Computer Science“ conference series focuses on best practice examples, challenges and future trends of mixed reality as a strategy to bring the world of data and information and the world of objects and … Continue reading

CO:OPyright: Challenges and Practices of Copyright and Licensing of Digital Cultural Heritage

Challenges and Practices of Copyright and Licensing of Digital Cultural Heritage are the main topics of this event organised by the Co:OP project, funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union aims to strengthen and promote the co-operation between institutions preserving our common cultural heritage and the general public. Continue reading

Europeana Space tests educational demonstrator during seminar “The Ghent Altarpiece in 100 Billion Pixels”

by Frederik Temmermans, imec On the 29th of November 2016, Europeana Space organised a seminar entitled “The Ghent Altarpiece in 100 Billion Pixels” at the imec offices in Brussels. During the seminar, the Europeana Space educational demonstrator “Photographic investigation of … Continue reading

Photomediations for the Open Access Week, video interview

The Open Access Week, running from 24-30 October 2016, is a global annual event that promotes Open Access as the new default in scholarship and research. Joanna Zylinska, coordinator of the Open & Hybrid Publishing Pilot in Europeana Space project, … Continue reading

What can Europeana bring to Open Education?

The annual conference organized by EADTU, the OOFHEC2016 – Online Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference – took place on 19-21 October in Rome. Over the past years, universities have intensified a deeper transformation of teaching and learning in higher education, based … Continue reading

Call for Papers open until 21 November for the GUIDE conference on distance learning

This conference will be jointly organized by Guide Association and University of Phoenix (Central Florida) and aims to promote discussions about the current status and next evolutions of distance learning. Particular attention will be given to the new pedagogical approaches to … Continue reading

“Creative with Digital Heritage” – E-Space MOOC is accepting enrollments right now

How can you engage with and reuse the wealth of digital cultural heritage available online in many repositories such as Europeana? How can you become an active user of this content, using, remixing and reinventing it for your research, lessons, … Continue reading