Topic: education

European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry ECQI 2022

The congress theme of the 5th edition of the European Congress of Qualitative Inquiry is “Qualitative Inquiry in the online technological realm“. Organized by KU Leuven, this edition was a virtual event with a large programme of keynotes, presentations, workshops … Continue reading

Symbiosis of Tradition and Digital Technology

The CIDOC 2021 conference “Symbiosis of Tradition and Digital Technology”, planned in September 2021 was postponed to Spring 2022 due to the new government restrictions and rising COVID-19 cases in Estonia. The hybrid conference will take place in Tallinn at Maarjamäe History … Continue reading

WEAVE was a best practice example at the Erasmus+ NEFELI training

text and image by Rosa Cisneros. The Erasmus+ NEFELI project offered a weeklong training of non-formal learning activities and methods that can support women from various parts of society. The team targeted women from grassroots communities, refugee and asylum seekers as well … Continue reading

Weaving, Dance and Coding teamed up with the WEAVE project

text and images: Rosa Cisneros, Coventry University. As part of the UKRI Making Connections Funding scheme Rosa Cisneros, WEAVE partner (Coventry University)  collaborates with musician and researcher Alex McLean and coder Lucy Chesman. The trio have teamed up for the Making Connections: … Continue reading

WEAVE at the first Roma Women’s Gathering hosted at the UK

text and image by Rosa Cisneros. In 2018 the Drom Kotar Mestipen (DKM) organised a Roma Women’s Congress in Barcelona,  Spain. Rosa Cisneros (C-DaRE) at the time was the Catalan Government’s Roma women’s consultant and leading on the political entities strand … Continue reading

Capacity building workshop for WEAVE project

Organized by partner Europeana and coordinated by Sebastiaan ter Burg, a workshop based on the Europeana Capacity Building playbook took place for the WEAVE project on 25th November. The methodology is designed to support organizations and projects in creating a … Continue reading

WEAVE Labday about Portuguese intangible heritage

This LabDay from the WEAVE series is dedicated to engage communities in South Portugal to re-discover intangible heritage practices linked to traditional dance. The workshop, organized by partner PédeXumbo, takes place in the framework of the annual Festival Desdobra-te, a … Continue reading

Open consultation sessions on Digital Transformation

Do you want to help shape the thinking on how the cultural sector embraces Digital Transformation? Do you have your own views about the challenges and opportunities digital brings? Can you help us shape our plan of action?  We would … Continue reading

WEAVE LabDay with Early Dance Circle

COVUNI (Centre for Dance Research, C-DaRE) and the Early Dance Circle (EDC) are collaborating to organise an Early Dance LabDay where we learned more about the work the charity is doing across the UK, got a sense of the various … Continue reading

WEAVE LabDay: Poetry and Photography

In preparing the content materials for the aggregation to Europeana, partner TopFoto referenced its inaugural writer-in-residence, Rommi Smith and her residency-collaboration with musician and composer, Christella Litras. This residency, TopFoto’s expertise and its collaboration with artist-researcher, Rommi Smith, has led … Continue reading