Topic: EU projects

SCAPE Consultation: Digital preservation – what to monitor and how?

Anyone willing to preserve digital content will be aware of events that might constitute a relevant risk. SCAPE is looking for digital content owners to participate in an online consultation to help them develop tools that would help you to automatically detect problems with your own content, and events that might put it at risk.” Continue reading

EUDAT News bullettin – January 2014

January brings with it lots of new activities from EUDAT including the open Call for Collaboration Projects offering free resources and expertise to pilot collaboration projects as part of its Collaborative Data Infrastructure. Research communities, projects and individual researchers are invited to make use of its data services and should apply before 26th February 2014. Continue reading

MoU between DCH-RP and ARIADNE

Aim of the agreement is to promote and support scientific collaboration between the Archaeological research Infrastructures and DCH-RP partners in order to share knowledge in the sector of digital preservation of DCH and to cooperate to the dissemination of the projects’ results. Continue reading

PREFORMA factsheet released

PREFORMA has just released a first factsheet that can be downloaded from the website and that can used to raise awareness about the project and to disseminate the call for tender in order to attract new possible applicants. Continue reading

Open Dialogue for the preparation of the PREFORMA tender

PREFORMA aims to ensure the establishment of a process of Open Dialogue between the memory institutions and the technology providers who develop the software. The memory institutions will define the functional requirements of the tender based on the outcome of the Open dialogue. Continue reading

PREFORMA website and blog launched!

The website contains all information relevant to the project, including objectives, partners, contact persons, activities, outcomes, events, publications, as well as information on the tender and how to join the network. The project has simultaneously released the tagline that will represent the project together with the logo: Future Memory Standards. Continue reading

PREFORMA Kick-Off Meeting

The University of Padova hosts the kick-off meeting of a new Pre-Commercial Procurement project co-funded by the European Commission under its FP7-ICT Programme to address the challenge of implementing good quality standardised file formats for preserving data content in the long term. The main objective of PREFORMA is to give memory institutions full control of the process of the conformity tests of files to be ingested into archives. Continue reading

Info and Networking day on the new PCP and PPI funding opportunities in H2020

Since Horizon 2020 foresees €140M of funding opportunities for new PCP and PPI projects that could offer a potential follow-up for new ideas emerging from the current PCP projects, the info day could be of concrete interest to all the project partners in the ongoing PCP projects. Continue reading

OpenForum Academy Event

The University of Skovde will present PREFORMA during an event organised by OpenForum Academy network to raise an awareness of the project amongst participants and to highlight and discuss the opportunities for small and large companies to become involved in the tender. Continue reading

Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age 2014

The first DiXiT camp took place in Cambridge/London from Sunday, 27 April 2014 – Friday, 2 May 2014. Its programme included the fifth MMSDA course, short for Medieval and Modern Manuscript Studies in the Digital Age. Continue reading